Going Home.

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“Why am I back here?!” I yell out “what do you want!?” I question again, still yelling. I walk through the woods again like I did in my last dream, hearing the same talking in the distance and feeling the same as if someone was following me. I turn around and see someone standing there, its a tall figure and when i say tall i mean tall at least 7-8ft they have no features, it just looks like a shadow. 

“What do you want?!” i shout walking over to them when i get close they disappear “no! Don't go! Tell me what you want!” I shout, turning around fast seeing that there are now multiple of them surrounding me “WHAT!?!” I shout “WHAT DO YOU WANT!?!” is shout again. 

I wake up seeing the boys on their phones “what time is it?” I ask Colby who is still lying in the bed next to me “7am” he replies in a groggy morning voice dude “are we gonna go to breakfast with Jennifer?” Corey asks “yeah i think we should” Colby says “im gonna go get ready” i announce slowly getting out of bed grabbing my bag and heading to the bathroom. 


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I finish my makeup and head back into the room and sit back on the bed

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I finish my makeup and head back into the room and sit back on the bed. The boys got changed in the bathroom one after the other and then we sit down and start to record, Sam and Colby are sat behind me on the bed with their feet on the bench which i am sat on, Corey is sat on the chair next to me and Jake is in between Colby and Corey further back on the bed.

“i dreamt that I always could see you and Colby running but I could never catch up why it was like you guys keep going and it was like guys come on it's not like it was like a bad thing and anything happening to me about us it's like I couldn't find you” Sam says pointing at Corey and Colby. “I don't really remember my dreams I just remember I woke up like three times last night and I every time I woke up it was like-” Corey says gasping reenacting what it was like “-and I'm like well what just happened and I'll be trying to think of what my dream was all I just remember is just tiny little things in every dream there was like someone like chasing all of us I'm like it was obviously we're at this hotel like we're sleeping here so I was dreaming about it” he continues. 

“Did you guys have dreams?” Sam asks “i dreamt that i was driving a hotwheels car” Jake answers “thats pretty innocent thats good” Sam says as we all nod “I was just stuck in a hallway for like what felt like five hours but you know this dreams that just like never see the end and like you can it's not like a lucid dream but you can like kind of tell that you're in a dream it's just like super long yeah like imagine like a hallway with no doors where you just like walk and just can't escape and I go I got like to the point where I was like driving myself insane and I would start like running for half a mile it felt like and then I'd stop because get frustrating and I'd never be able to see the end” Colby explains. 

“I had a nightmare that I've been having for a few days. I'm in the woods and there's someone following me and then there is shouting in the distance and i keep on running to get to whoever its coming from and i fall and then when i look to see what is following me or why i'm there i wake up” i explain “did anyone hear anything last night? I hear the vent make noise a few times” Colby says “yeah that vent right there went *weird boise*” sam says, pointing at the vent in front of us. 

We finish filming and checking out the footage and grab our bags heading to breakfast. “Hey” I say to Jennifer as we walk up to her “hi guys” she replies and we walk over to a table and sit down and get ready to eat, i sit next to the wall and Colby and Corey are on my right then jennifer on infront of me and Sam and Jake on her left. “Did anything happen to you last night?” Colby asks Jannifer pointing the camera at her “no, not after i left” “so no like nightmares or anything like that?” Colby asks “no i don't really remember anything from my dreams” Jennifer answers “we all had nightmares, except Jake” Sam says 

We spoke some more about what went on last night and then the waiter comes over to our table to take our orders, “can i have the french toast please and an apple juice” I say to the waiter. We all eat our breakfast talking and laughing and when we are done we head out to the front of the hotel. 

We talk for a minute and take a picture together and hug Jeniffer goodbye, “if you want to poop your pants again I know where you can go” Jennifer says as we start to walk away “where?” Corey asks laughing “it's in LA it's called witches forest, my grandpa owns a cabin there and like no one ever goes there” “bye guys” Corey says waving and walking away “witches forest? A cabin in the woods?” Colby asks “yeah no one really goes there. Someone goes out there like once a year and that's it” Jennifer answers “and it's haunted” Colby says confirming “yeah” Jennifer says. 

“The cabin or the forest?” Sam asks “the forest” Jennifer answers. Sam and Colby go off to a bench to talk about what they are doing in the future while we wait for the taxi, me, Jake and Corey sit on the steps, I take out a cigarette and my lighter. 

Our taxi gets here and we start to walk over “so 250k likes and we go to witches forest?” Sam asks probably more telling then asking, “yeah” Jake says “no” Corey says. We get in the taxi and head to the airport and fly home. 

It's the end of the Stanley Hotel part and im so exited for the next few chapters. Thank you for reading and i hope you enjoyed it, dont forget to vote xx

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