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I wake up sighing in relief when i realise I dont have a hangover, just the weird feeling of realising I kissed Colby last night, multiple times. I need to go on a walk. I need to think. I get up and get dressed into something to go on a hike in (outfit will be at the top) and i grab my earphones, a bottle of water, and my camera. I havent done a video for my chanel in a while so i thought i would do a talk video while im on my hike.

I get into my car and drive to Griffith park.

After parking my car i grab my things and start my walk, "hey guys" I say as i start recording "today i decided it was a good idea to go on a hike and then i remembered that i havent done a video on my channel for a while, so im making a talk video while on my hike" i say while also looking at the scenery around me.

"The first thing is, i am okay. There has been a lot of different rumours about why i was at the police station, and i will tell you guys about it when i am ready but all you need to know right now is that im ok and i did nothing wrong" I say laughing a little that people think ive done something bad.

"So with that said please do not worry about it. So i havent been doing that much lately ive just been resting and looking after myself. Colby and i went to my home town and i saw my pops that i havent seen in a while, which was great but now that i'm back in LA im getting back into things"

I put my camera into my small backpack and carry on walking whilst listening to my music.


I walk into my apartment again and get into the shower to freshen up. Once im dressed i grab my laptop and start to edit the video i just filmed, and upload it.


I get up after getting a call from Colby asking me if i can come help him film a video with Kevin and Mike. I grab all of my things and head over to Colby's apartment. Me and Colby have yet spoken since last night, i have no idea if its gonna be awkward or if we will just ignore it, which is scaring me because i dont want to lose my friendship with him, i love spending time with him.

"Hey thanks for coming" Colby greets, opening the door and letting me in, "thats okay, thanks for inviting me, what video are we filming today??" I ask seeing the other two sat on the sofa.

"We're doing the worlds most painful face mask" he say leading us over to where we are filming, the boys sit in front of the camera with me behind it turning it on "and action" i say jokingly "oh man!" Colby shouts while clapping "wait a second" I Say noticing the cameras angle "is it crooked?" Colby asks "yeah" i reply trying fix it,

Colby stands up and comes up right next to me trying to fix it "better" he says and sits back down, "alright guys so first things first Reggie is out of town so i have got the one and only amazing Y/n who was kind enough to come over last minute to help film us" Colby says and then they start joking about how bad the editing is going to be because Colby is going to have to do it himself.

"Today i'm going to be putting this 'help or clean up mask' all over my body... i dont know why" Colby says looking like he's starting to regret his plan. The boys get ready by putting a bit of water on their faces and then they sit down again

"Okay im just gonna go for it" colby says "i thought you were doing your chest" I say "yeah i am why?" he asks confused "well then shouldnt you have taken your shirt off before putting it on your face?" I ask and then he realises his mistake "fuck!" he shouts, Kevin and Mike then sit down and start to put it on their faces.

"This is like cement" Mike says "it is bro" Colby says. "This is the most painful face mask" Colby says "this actually feels very nice" he then says "but you just said it was the most painful" i say confused "maybe i like the pain" he jokes

Colby gets up and takes his top off trying to not touch his face, he then sits back down on the couch and carries on with putting the mask on. "Oh god this is a bad idea. Wait i didnt even get the top of my cheek" Colby says, Mike and Kevin then come and sit down after taking their tops off as well.

After flexing and checking themselves out they carry on with the whole purpose of the video, Kevin and Colby then start to moan loudly "what the actual fuck am i filming for you right now?" i question, "im so sorry Y/N i didnt think it would turn into this" Colby says. "The sound of it is so weird" he adds "thats what good pussy sounds like" Mike says making all of us burst out laughing.


The guys finish covering themselves and the we go into the bathroom and i get ready to film them all in pain "yay now i get to watch you all cry" I joke, sitting on the counter so i can get the best angle of the guys, and they just give me a joking glare. "Omg! My armpit!" Colby screams showing that there was face mask on his armpit

"This is really gonna hurt" Kevin says and then Colby and Mike both say yes at the same time, Colby then starts to peel the mask off making him scream and then the other two do the same all three of them screaming and then just me sat watching them while smiling.


After finishing up the video Kevin and Mike head home which leaves me and Colby alone for the first time since we kissed last night, "so last night... Was that just because we were drunk or?" Colby asks breaking the awkward silence "what was it to you?" i ask scared to speak first

"I mean i liked it... A lot" he admits, fiddling with his hands "i did to" I say looking at him nervously. "Ok good" he says smiling, less nervous now that he knows i feel the same way as he does, and then we go back to not knowing what to say. "Will go on a date with me?" he asks nervous again "yes".


They are finally going on a date. Also another note but i'm thinking of maybe doing an outer banks book as well so keep an eye out for that. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and dont forget to vote. Love ya xx

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