Im Gonna Miss You.

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Its been a few days now and it was time for me and Colby to go back to LA. “i will make sure to visit” I say holding onto the hug a little longer “and message me whenever you need to, you have my number now” pops says “it was great to see you again” he adds pulling away.

“Im gonna miss you” I say letting a single tear fall down my cheek “im gonna miss you too, but remember this time its not goodbye its just see you soon” pops says whipping the tear away with his thumb “see you soon” i say smiling at him weakly

We finish our goodbyes and get into the cab and head to the airport. “Are you okay?” Colby asks, i look away from the car window to see Colby staring at me concern in his features “im fine” I reply  and i can see in his eyes that he doesnt believe me but he doesnt push it any further.

“Hey you two. How was the trip?” Sam asks as we get into his car “good” we both say at the same time making the three of us chuckle a little.

I get into my apartment and set down my bags and lock the front door, Colby went home to shower and rest and i stayed at my apartment and just relaxed. I unpacked my bags and washed what needed to be washed and then i sat and watch some vampire diaries.

Outfit here
Its been a couple of weeks since we came back to LA and me and Colby have been hanging out and i’ve been in contact with my grandpa.

“Hey” Colby says opening his door “hey” i reply walking into his apartment “so whats the plans today?” i ask, sitting down on the couch “i dont know i was thinking that we just chill out here today” he replies sitting down next to me.

“Sounds good” I say as he presses play on whatever he was already watching, i have no idea whats happening but i dont care cause im happy im with him, “do you want to watch something else?” Colby asks looking at me “no i'm good” I say smiling.

“Do you want a drink?” I ask getting up and heading to his kitchen “a water please” he says. I open up the fridge and grab two bottles of water out when Colby’s phone goes off, “hey Jake asked if i can come and help him with a video do you want to come?” he asks

“Is he okay with that?” I ask, not wanting to be in the way, “yeah he’s all good with it” Colby says getting up and ready to go “whats the video?“ I ask “hes tying Tara up with fruit roll ups” Colby says casually “oh yeah just a normal thursday” i say jokingly.

We get outside and Colby runs off in front of me to make an entrance, i catch up and walk down the steps like a regular person, “right so whos ready to help me tie Tara up with fruit roll ups?” Jake asks and Colby puts his hand up “im just here for emotional support for Tara” I say when they all look at me

“Thank you I appreciate that” Tara jokes “your welcome” i joke back, Colby and Jake start wrapping the fruit roll ups around Taras arms whilst Reggy is recording and im sat opening up packs of the snacks for the boys.

“You suck at wrapping” Jake says to Colby “i already have some bars, get it?” Tara says and i do an over the top laugh to make her feel better about her joke “thank y/n, your really good at emotionally supporting people” she says “thanks its one of my many hidden talents” i reply 

We put the empty packets in the bin and we pick up our stuff and start to move location, “we’re moving locations to keep this interesting” Jake says to the camera as we walk up the steps to the next place

“Do you want one?” Colby asks after we set up again and start wrapping Tara up again “yes” I say, he put it near my mouth and i open it so i can take it. After wrapping Tara up more the boys start to wrap her arms to her legs, “Colby if you ever had a girlfriend would you do this to her?” Tara question “not with fruit roll ups” he replies making everyone stop what they were doing and look at him.

“Right i think we’re done now” Jake says “does the mean i can break free?” Tara asks “you guys want to get smoothies?” Jake asks ignoring his girlfriend and we all start to walk away “i would die for a smoothie right now” I joke

We all keep walking even though Tara was shouting behind us, after joking for a couple more minutes we go back over to Tara “so we got 50 boxes of fruit by the foot there's six rolls in each box, 300 right now on her is 300 rolls of fruit by the foot and then on top of that each one is three feet long times three tara has 900 feet of fruit by the foot on here right now.” Jake explains.

“Now for the ultimate test, can she break free?” Jake says to the camera, Jake starts to count down “3 2 1” and then Tara starts to pull her arms away from her legs but isn't getting very far “i cant. I cant do it” she says.

“What do you want to do now?” Colby asks as we walk back into his apartment after finishing the video, “i dont know im happy carrying on with what we were doing earlier” i reply as we sit down on the sofa and then carry on with watching tv.

I open my eyes and look around noticing im still in Colbys house, and then i realise that i was asleep with my head in Colby’s lap, i slowly sit up trying my hardest to not wake him up and i go to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee for the both of us.

“Morning” i say, holding a cup of coffee in front of him as i see him starting to wake up, “morning” he replies his voice thick with sleep, i sit back down next to him on the sofa and we sit and start drinking our coffees while watching tv when my phone goes off.

“Kat says that we’re going out to the clubs tonight” I say and then Colby’s phone goes off “Sam says the same thing”.

Here you go guys, another chapter for you. Hope you enjoy it and if you did dont forget to vote. Love ya xx

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