3am Seance.

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We walk up the steps and go back inside the hotel and go up to our room and Colby goes of with Jennifer to take some pictures for the thumbnail. “I don't know what to say dude” Corey says “its so weird” Sam adds “literally i always just like mess around on our videos and then once stuff starts to go down you know its just… change of attitude” Jake says. “Guys i think shes gonna peace out shes got that gig tomorrow” Colby says. 

We all say goodbye and head in to the room “what do you mean your gonna text her? She’s creepy as fuck” Sam asks as i go and lay down on the bed “yeah but she like helped us” colby says “i dont think she was that creepy” Jake says “what do you think y/n?” Sam asks “i don't really know i think she was alright” i say getting more comfortable on the bed. 

“Are you okay? Cause you seem to be really effected by what you saw” Sam says looking at me “im fine” i say moving so Colby could sit down on the bed “what did you see?” Jake asks “i saw something different to Jenniffer, it showed me what it really looked like” I say “what did it look like?” Colby asks “it was really tall, like 7ft, and this smile and it had loads of teeth that were really sharp” “is that different to what it looked like earlier?” Sam asks “yeah”. 

“Was it going to hurt someone?” Corey asks “i know for a fact it would have done something to me… im not sure if he would have gone after anyone else i think he was definitely targeting me” “so you think if you stayed there and didn’t run out it would have attacked you” Colby confirms and i nod yes. 

We chill out a bit before 3 am when we start the seance and I fall asleep again, i wake up around 30 minutes later “what time is it?” I ask looking over at colby who was sat at the bottom of the bed “its 1:30” he replies looking over his shoulder at me “ok thanks” “do you want a monster?” he asks “yes please” he gets up and goes over to the bag and getting me a drink out. “Thank you” i say taking the drink from him “your welcome”.        

Seance time. 

“alright guys a little update for you we've been waiting around but we're starting to get tired we're trying to get it as late as possible to do the seance but I think we're prepared and I don't want us to be like super sleepy for this sound so let's just do it if you're down Cory you ready to summon some some demon Cowboys?” Sam says to the camera and the group. 

“I like how we're still doing this when we went out of the way to hire a freakin psychic and then she was just like ‘yeah don't do anything stupid at the Stanley Hotel especially like organize’ and we're still doing it” Colby says slautching down in the chair “but then lets just be safe about it then” Sam says. 

The boys talk about different ways we can keep safe while doing the seance and then we set up different things like the lollipops and cameras, Sam and Colby go into the bathroom to write redrums on the mirror in red lipstick. “Who knows how to sage?” Jake asks as we leave the room “well i can do the mantras if you want which will give us protection” i say walking down the stairs. 

“So this is called sage and what im about to do is called smudging and y/n will be doing a type of chant fro protection” Colby tells the camera and we all stand in a circle and Colby lights it and starts to smudge “i live in harmony of mind, spirit and body… i release all the energys that do not serve me… im filled with love, peace and light… i'm grateful for happiness, good health, and abundance… i call all of my power return to me now… i call in protection from negative energy.” i finish as i sage Colby.

“Perfect, so i think now its time to contact whatever is in our room” Sam says “how about we do that thing were we wipe off our arms like the psychic said” Colby suggests and so we do, running our hands down our arms getting rid of the last of the negative energy that is on us, and with that we head back up to our room. 


“Did anyone move any of the lollipops?” Corey asks freaking out “no” i say sitting down on the floor “like jokes aside and everything… did anyone move anything?” Corey repeats “we all left at the same time” Colby says “why?” Sam asks “because the lollipop that was stood over there is now over here” Corey says standing up and pointing it out. “yes no way I got that on camera no I got that one on camera” Colby says 

“I just want to say like we did move some like lollipops to get them like in frame but yeah let's start this thing we got two angles this time” Colby says pointing at the cameras. Corey starts to get nervous and scared when gets up and goes over to the door there is a noise from the bottom of the bed “the blanket just moved” Colby says and then shows us what he just saw, “ok bro can we get out… like bro we haven't even started yet and this shit is happening” Corey says getting super uncomfortable, the boys start to argue and i just sit there and watch. 

Sam and Colby manage to convince him to sit back down  *knock* “what was that?” Corey says standing up again “it was in the closet” he adds. Corey sits on the bench behind us as we all hold hands, me in between Colby and Sam, we close our eyes and take some deep breaths focusing on what we are trying to do. “If anyone’s out there listening we just want to know noise that we heard or spirits or some kind of presence” Jake says, calm and politely, we sit quietly listening for a response.

“Do you know what I just remembered? Lucy likes the lollipops and closing doors, so why don't we open a door and see if she wants to close it. Corey, can you go and open the door?” Sam says breaking the silence “you want me to open the door?!” Corey says laughing nervously but does it anyway. 

“I just think that we need everybody’s energy here, the only time it works is when we all do it together” Colby says looking at Corey “we can do one question each and then we’re done” Sam says trying to bargain with him. 

“i'm just gonna say Corey that i will do my best to keep you all safe, i won't let ANYONE touch you okay… you can sit next to me and we will all hold hands and i will protect you… you just need to know that if you believe in someone powerful, it could be god for example or for me its Soteria, so if you know that they are more powerful than what is in this room that will keep you safe” i say trying to make him feel more comfortable.

“Okay i’ll do it” Corey says coming into the group between Colby and Jake “im going to be keeping you safe okay, so imagine it like there is a clear dome around us okay? Im going to use my energy to create this dome so nothing can get attached to you or hurt you okay?” i say and they all nod yes to show that they understand. 

Thank you for reading, im going to make this into a two part. Please dont forget to vote. 

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