He's Gonna Kill Me.

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Sam’s pov: 

It’s the next day now and I've decided to talk to Colby and see if he’s heard from y/n. “Hey brother, what's up?” Colby asks, opening his door “hey” I say walking into his apartment “have you spoken to y/n?” I ask “no, not since yesterday morning. Why has something happened?” He asks “well Kat ran into her yesterday at the store and apparently she was acting really weird and there was a guy there, so I went over to her apartment cause Katrina was really worried and when i got there she looked off and I could smell the alcohol on her breath and the was an open bottle on the counter behind her” I explain 

“Was it James?” he asks “no, Katrina said it was someone she hadn't seen before. I don't know what happened but she looked different” I say worried “what do you mean different?” “empty” 

Y/n’s pov: 

I wake up to the sun blaring in through my windows, last night i didn't do anything other than drink and binge watch some random shit, i get up out of bed and grab a new bottle of something I don't care what it is as long as it is alcoholic i turn around to grab a new pack of cigarettes and just as i pick it up my bottle get knocked over. 

I turn around and see her stood there “fuck off” i say not wanting to hear her complain at me, i pick up the bottle stopping it from spilling anymore and walk over to my couch turning on the tv and watching whatever is on first. After a few minutes there's a knock on my door, I ignore it hoping that whoever it is will just go away, but they don’t. I stand up, placing the bottle on the table and walk over to the door and look through the peephole to see Kat standing there with a bag of stuff, i open the door and she instantly smiles at me, “what’s going on?” I ask confused “I came over to cheer you up” she says “I’m fine-” “oh you don't have a choice. You don't have to tell me what happened, we can just eat junk and watch some movies or even cry, but I am not leaving you” She says, interrupting me. 

I sigh and step to the side for her to come in, I watch her as she looks at the bottles and the mess on the floor from when it was knocked over, she turns around and looks at me with sympathy and then all of my feelings come back to me, drowning me in fear and sorrow. And I break down. Katrina puts her bags down and walks over to me hugging me “he’s gonna kill me” I sob “who? Who is going to kill you?” She asks with concern thick in her voice “my ex. Alex. He knows where I am and he’s going to kill me” Kat walks me over to my couch and holds me as I cry until I fall asleep. 

I wake up hearing Katrina get up and open my front door, I stay laying on my couch and just listen “Katrina? What are you doing here?” I hear Colby ask “I’m just looking after her. Why are you here?” Katrina asks “Sam came over this morning and said something was wrong. Is she okay?” “She's hurt and scared but she will be okay. I'm gonna stay with her for a while to help her… Colby, I think you should go home” Katrina says.

I hear footsteps go down the hallway and then the front door shuts “thank you” I say sitting up a bit “no need to thank me” she says. “Right what do you want to drink I’ve got wine or vodka” she says smiling “I thought you would tell me not to drink” I say getting up and grabbing some wine glasses “why would i do that? Your in pain it's understandable” She says opening the wine bottle. 

We put on Vampire Diaries and drink the bottle of wine “I’m hungry… have you eaten?” Katrina asks “no. Chinese?” I ask “yes, i will call and order” Kat says grabbing her phone, i go to the bathroom and freshen up a bit, i clean the mascara from under my eyes and place my hands on my cheeks cooling them down a bit, there's a knock on the door again. I walk out of the bathroom and see Kat stood by the couch “it could just be the boys” she says 

She opens the door and my heart drops and i see Kat panic as well, i walk over to my kitchen and grab one of my knives, I go to the door and stand in front of Katrina “leave right now” I demand “come on y/n dont be like that” Alex says with a smile that makes me want to be sick “Katrina call the police” “theres no need for that” he says coming closer “stay the fuck back” I say pointing the knife closer to him “if you move again i will stab you” I threaten 

“You really, you're weak” he says coming closer to me “what do you want from me?” I ask “you. I want you to come home” ''i am home” “the police are on their way” Katrina announces from behind me, Alex looks over at her and i see his mind working to do something, “don’t look at her look at me” I demand and he looks at me.

We stand there looking at each other for a few minutes and then i hear the sirens coming closer “your done now and i will finally be free” i say feeling a weight rising off of me, “you cant get rid of me that easily” he says he elevator dings telling us that the police are here. “Police drop the weapon and put your hands where i can see them” the officer shouts walking towards us with their guns drawn, i slowly put the knife on the floor and slowly put my hands up standing straight Katrina doing the same with her phone behind me, “who called the police?” the officer asks, stopping a few feet away from us. “My friend behind me did, i asked her” I say clear enough for the officers to understand.'' Sir, turn around slowly and put your hand on the wall” the officer instructs but Alex doesn't listen he just looks at me smiling. 

And then it all happens, almost like slow-motion. Alex grabs the knife, putting it to my throat and knocking me to the ground, him going down as well. Before he can do anything one of the officers shoot, Alex freezes and so do I, I can't hear anything. I'm frozen looking into his eyes. His body falls next to me and then I hear everything, Katrina, oh god Katrina. “I need an ambulance now…” the officer says into his walkie talkie. One officer comes over to me “your okay” she says and helps me get up, i turn around to Katrina and run to her hugging her “are you okay? I’m so sorry that this happened. I didn't mean to put you in danger” i say, holding on to her for dear life.  “I'm fine. It's you who someone should be worried about.” she says. 

The officer moves us over to my couch “I'm gonna call sam. I’ll just be over there” Katrina says walking to my room. “Hi, I'm just going to check you out, is that okay?” a paramedic asks crouching down in front of me “yeah” I say quietly looking at her “did he hurt you?” she asks “umm no not that i know” “okay i'm just gonna do a full body check, your in shock so you might not feel it right now, okay?” she says. She lifts my top slowly looking at me to make sure im comfortable with it and i nod “your all good, if you start to feel really unwell call the doctor or go to the hospital and the can help” she says

“The boys are on the way” Katrina says sitting down next to me and holding my hand, the paramedic walks away and they prep Alex’s body to take away, i just sit looking at the floor. 

“Katrina!?” Sam shouts running towards my apartment door but the officers stop them “it's okay let him in” i say, Kat stands up and runs into sams arms. “Colby’s on his way” Sam says into Katrina's shoulder.  

“Are you okay with telling us what happened” an officer asks “yes”, the two officers sit either side of me “how did you know the man?” one officer asks “his name is… was Alex. he was my ex” I explain “was there a reason why he wanted to hurt you?” “I left him. He would beat me so I moved away. I came here to LA, i escaped him… tried to but he found me.” i explain, “okay. Did you ever report him to the police?” “no. when i would try he would find out and make sure no one heard from me”. 

Colby turns up and Sam tells the officers he’s okay to come in, “where did you move from?” “I came here from Chicago.” “Okay, thank you for your cooperation. I'm gonna give you my card, call me if anything happens and I might have to call you down to the station.” the other officer says and they stand up. 

I get up and go over to the group “are you okay are you hurt?” Colby asks looking at the blood on my clothes “im fine i got checked out. It’s not my blood” i say, Colby grabs me and pulls me into his body, “your staying with me okay?” Colby says “thank you” “i can go grab you some clothes and you can wait outside” Kat says “thank you” i say and Colby walks me out of the apartment and to his car “i can get your car tomorrow for you” Colby says opening the passenger door for me “you don't have to I’m fine” i say getting into his car. 

“I got you a few outfits and your phone and purse i thought you would want” Kat say putting my bag in the back of the car “thank you, all of you” i say “right umm let's meet back at your place” Sam says to colby.

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