Behind me in the mirror

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We all went and sat on the sofa and chairs again, i sat down on the arm chair with my legs crossed and colby was sat on the floor in front of me with his body turned to me, the others were sat in the same spots as before. “Do you mind if we record this?” Sam asked and i nodded yes in response and so Sam set up the camera and started to record, “so basically you know when we were at the cinema part and i saw that man when i was with Colby he told me that i was weak and this place was too strong for me. Well it turns out he is connected to the women i saw earlier in this room and she was sat on that bed over there-” i said pointing to the bed that was in front of us “-violet, which is her name, was the mans wife. She was sat on the end of the bed facing where we are right now and danny was pacing back and forth in front of her, he was angry at something, he told her that something wanted her fear and blood when i asked him what he was on about he told me ‘the evil one… the darkest of dark’ he then took his knife out of his dinner jacket pocket and cut across violets stomach and kept cutting until she was empty, he then went to a suitcase that was sat on the small table and took his gun out of it put it in between his eyes and shot himself while looking at her body with a smile on his face.” i say as everyone watches me not making a sound, their mouths just open from shock, “im sorry you had to see that” colby said with sadness in his eyes “its fine… but um im just gonna go to the bathroom a sec” i said standing quickly and walking to the bathroom. 

I got into the bathroom and turned the light on locking the door, i turned to look at myself in the mirror i turned the tap on and put a bit of water on my face. Lifting my head up again i jump, “violet” i whispered startled and confused about when she got here “do not be upset about what he did” she said tilting her head to the side “but you didnt deserve it” i said as i looked at her through the mirror “no one deserves to die scared” i added as a tear fell down my cheek “it is fine im at peace this ship was my happy place even after what he did to me” she replied with a smile as bright as the sky. “You a lovely person” i said trying to hide the tears, seeing how people died and seeing them scared or lonely is probably one of the worst parts about being able to see the dead but then theres the part when i see them with another dead loved one or in the place they loved the most, “thank you” she said. A loud knock sounded through the bathroom “hello?” i yelled looking back at the mirror and seeing that violet was gone. 

“Are you okay?” i heard Colbys voice on the other side of the door, i wipe my tears away and open the door “im fine” i replied looking up and meeting his ice blue eyes i could see by the look on his face he didnt believe me but he also didnt want to push to much “okay are you good to carry on?” he questioned “yes” i said and then we walked out and back into the area the rest of the group was. 

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