The Station.

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In this chapter there will be an in depth description of domestic abuse, if anyone ever deals with something like this, I want you to know that you are not alone and there is always someone there to help you. 

“Hi im here to see officer Deacon” I say to the man at the desk “And your name?” he asks “y/n y/l/n” “okay just sit there and i will tell him that you're here” he says pointing to some chairs, Kat and I both sit down, i start to nervously pick at my fingers Kat notices and grabs my hand holding on to it giving it a gentle squeeze. 

“Miss Y/l/n?” someone says, i look up and see officer Deacon, “hi” I say standing up and shaking his hand “thank you for coming” he says and i give a polite smile in return “if you just follow me” he says, i turn around and say goodbye to Kat and then follow him to the questioning room. 

“Just take a seat there” he says pointing to a metal chair, i sit down and he follows sitting on the opposite side next to a woman i haven’t met yet, “im officer Turner” she says holding her hand out for my to shake “hi” I say shaking her hand. Officer Deacon presses record on the voice recorder “so lets start of with your name” he says “my name is Y/n y/l/n” i say my voice shaking slightly from the nerves 

“How did you know Mr Alex Barker?” Turner asks “he was my boyfriend” I say “okay good job so far y/n, when did the abuse start?” 

“it started about five months into the relationship, i was 15 and he was 17, it started of small just when we would argue, he would push me around and smack me, i thought it was just normal couple arguing. Then i moved in with him two years later when i was 17 and he was 19, my parents didnt really care, as soon as i moved in with him the abuse started to get worse” I explained. 

“What would he do when you moved in with him?” Deacon asked “he would pin my against the wall by my neck and wait until i either passed out or was about to pass out, he would put his cigarettes out on me but then when i stopped resting to that he stopped because it was fun for him anymore, he would cut me with one of those switchblades deep enough so it  would scar he wanted me to have it for the rest of my life as a reminder that i was nothing, he would starve me sometimes if i didnt make his food the way he liked or quick enough, he probably took advantage of me every week, his favourite thing to do was make me feel weak.” I say trying my best to get through this without crying. 

“Your doing really good” Turner reassures “how old were you when you left?” “18” I say “where did you live before you came to LA?” “chicago” “did you ever report it to the police?” “I would try but he would catch on and make sure no one head from me or see me for a while and he would make sure i was punished, the only reason i got out was because of my grandpa, he always tried to get me away from Alex but then i pushed him away and stopped talking to him, but one day i realised that i couldnt take it anymore and that any longer i was going to die, so i got in contact with him again and he helped me get out” I explain. 

“So i now what we will do is Officer Deacon is going to leave the room and i am going to take pictures of the scars and marks that you have, is that okay?” Turner asks and i nod yes. Officer Deacon gets up and leaves the room and someone else comes in with a camera and hands it to Turner and then leaves again, Officer Turner gets up with holding the camera and walks over to me “so when you are ready” she says 

“Okay” I sigh trying to relieve the nerves bubbling up inside of me, i slowly take off my hoodie leaving me in a bralet my hair was in a plaits so it was already out of the way, she started to take pictures of all the scars i had on my back and front “okay is that it for the top?” she asks “yeah” I say “are there any others anywhere else?” “yeah i’ve got some on my legs” I say 

“you can put your top back on and then we can look at your legs, just so you are more comfortable” she says, i put my hoodie back on and i start to take my bottoms off, she starts to take pictures of all the scars on my legs “okay we are all done now, thank you, you did really well and i just want you to know that you did not deserve any of this” she says as i get dressed again. 

We walk back to the reception desk aand i see Katrina still in the same place, she notices my walking towards her and she gets up and walks towards me giving me a hug “are you okay?” she asks pulling away but still holding onto my eyes “yeah” I say trying to give her a convincing smile “right so we will give you a call when we have any updates” Officer Deacon says coming back to us “okay” I say. 

We say goodbye and then me and Kat head back to my car and get in, i sit in the drivers seat and let out a sigh as i just stare out the front window “are you sure your okay? Do you want me to drive?” Kat asks “no… no im okay” I say turning on the car. 

We get back to my place and sit on the sofa “im gonna make us some tea” Katrina says walking over to my kitchen and putting some water on to boil, she comes back a few minutes later with two cups of tea “here” she says handing me one of the cups “thank you” I say taking it. 

“How are you feeling?” she asks taking a sip of her tea “im fine, honestly” I say giving her a smile but i can still see that she doesnt believe me, but she leaves it and turns on vampire diaries to try and cheer me up. 

“Sam told me that you get a funny feeling about people when you touch them” she says turning her body to look at me, i chuckle a bit at the way she said it “i guess you could put it that way, but its not just when i touch them i have to get into the zone and kinda search for it” I say 

“Can you do it to me?” she asks, i turn my body to face her and gently grab her hand, i close my eyes and really focus, “what do you see?” she asks when i open my eyes again “i can tell that your an empath, and you have a kind soul and heart” I say “so cool” she says and we both start laughing. 

“Im just gonna go to the bathroom really quick” I say getting up and going into the bathroom. Once i finish in the bathroom i walk back into the sitting room to be met with two more people than before “surprise!” they all say “what is going on?” I question looking at Kat, Devyn and Tara, “we’re having a girls day” Devyn says holding up a bag and Tara holds up a bottle of wine “why?” I ask  

“because we know that this morning was hard and we are doing this to cheer you up” Kat says “Thank you…” I say “... now lets get that bottle open” I say going to the kitchen and grabbing the glasses and bottle opener. 


Im back!! I was super busy with college assignments but im on christmas break now and i'm excited to do some writing, hope you guys are enjoying everything so far, please dont forget there is always someone to help if you are ever in this situation and you are never alone, love ya xx.

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