Im Not Gonna Sit Crying.

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Colby’s pov: 

I wake up and walk into the lounge area and see that y/n is still asleep, i leave her to sleep because i know she hasn't been sleeping well and i head over to Sam’s apartment. “Hey man” i say when he opens the door “hey, come on in” Sam says stepping to the side “thanks, how’s Kat doing?” I ask walking into his kitchen area “she’s okay, i mean she’s a little shaken up still but she’s doing okay. What about y/n?” 

“I don't really know man. She seems fine but I can see her whole body change sometimes like yesterday we went out for breakfast and when we were leaving she bumped into this guy and just froze. I'm just waiting for her to snap and for the shock to wear off.” I say “has she talked about it at all?” “No, not really. She said that she doesnt know whether to be happy or sad because of what he did to her. She has to go down to the station on sunday to talk to the officers again but i don't know if she’s going to be able to handle it” 

I leave Sam’s apartment and head back into mine, she’s still asleep so I decide to go upstairs and do some editing for the Stanley Hotel video. It’s been a few hours now since i started to edit and i go down stairs to grab a drink and something to eat and realise that y/n is still asleep, I go back to editing upstairs.

I look over to my window down stairs and realise it's getting dark out and I've been so focused on editing I completely forgot about real time. I take my headphones off and walk down the stairs seeing y/n in the same spot asleep. “y/n?” I shake her gently to wake her up “are you okay?” I ask as she starts to wake up “mhm” she replies keeping her eyes closed “can i get you anything?” “no thanks” she says quietly, still not opening her eyes. “I'm gonna go grab us some dinner do you want to come with?” “no thank you” she mumbles “are you gonna be okay by yourself?” I ask and she nods in response “okay well Sam is at his apartment and im a phone call away, i won't be long” I say walking to the counter and grabbing my stuff. I look at her one last time and shut the door, locking it and heading to my car. 

I get back to my apartment with a bag of chinese food, i open the door and see that she is still asleep on the couch but now she's got her back to me, i grab two cans of coke from the fridge and walk over to the couch. I put the food on the coffee table and turn on the tv and put on Shameless I tap her feet and she wakes up “i got some chinese” she sits up and covers her face with her hands and groans “i'm actually starving” she a says still sounding half asleep “yeah well you've been asleep all day” “have i?” she asks and looks out of the glass doors “shit” she says under her breath. “Thank you” she says before taking a mouth full of noodles “your welcome”. 

We finish eating and carry on watching Shameless for a bit longer “do you mind if i smoke outside?” “no go ahead. Do you mind if I sit out there with you?” I ask “no not at all” she replies with a smile standing up and grabbing her pack of cigarettes off the side. 

Y/n’s pov: 

We head out to Colby’s balcony and sit on his chairs “you want one?” I ask putting the cigarette in my mouth and hold the pack out for him “cheers” he says taking one “do you smoke normally?” i ask “yeah i mean i mostly vape” he explains as i hand him the lighter inhaling the smoke, “how are you feeling?” he asks, exhaling the smoke “if i'm honest… shit… but uh i don't want to be sat crying because he’s dead. He’s stopped me from living my life once before, I’m not gonna let him do it now that he is dead… probably sounds crazy but he got what he deserved '' i say looking up at the sky “it doesn't sound crazy. He did get what he deserved and you know it's okay to be sad but if you don't want to be sad that's also okay.” Colby says making me feel better. We sat in silence for a bit while finishing our cigarettes, “you ready for bed?” Colby asks “surprisingly yes i am” I say and follow him back into the apartment. 

Next morning: 

“How are you feeling today?” Colby asks, walking into the sitting room where I’m watching some random tv, “i'm alright… still don't fully feel like myself”, “do you want anything for breakfast I’ve got some cereal in or some bread?” Colby asks, walking into the kitchen and pouring a cup of coffee that i made this morning “cereal sounds good” i say. Colby makes us both a bowl of cereal and walks over to the couch handing me mine. 

“So what do you want to do today?I have editing to do but we could do something first” Colby asks putting his empty bowl on the coffee table “nothing i just want to relax” I say putting my bowl down as well. “Okay well i'm gonna head upstairs and start editing” Colby says standing up and taking our bowls into the sink. I lay down on the couch again and carry on watching the random shit that's on the tv.    

After a few hours I decide to order some groceries so I can make myself and Colby some food. It's the least I could do for him while he lets me stay with him. I head into the kitchen and tidy it up before the food gets here. I set up all the things that i will need and then there's a knock on the door, “thanks” i say taking the bag and shutting the door and walking over to the kitchen counter. I start to empty all of the food onto the side and put the wine i got by the fridge so its out of the way. I turn back to the food and start to prep it. I measure out the linguini and put it into a saucepan with water and some salt and leave it on the cooker, i then prep the shrimp and the garlic and the rest of the herbs. Once its all prepped i start to cook it and mix it all together 


What are you up to right now? 

Nothing, me and Sam are just 
about to order some food. 

Don't order anything i've made to much food 
Come and have dinner with me and colby. 

“What smells so good?” Colby asks walking down the stairs “I’ve made dinner as a thank you and I invited Sam and Kat over. You dont mind do you?” I ask “no not at all” “can you grab four wine glasses out and some cutlery please?” I ask mixing the food so it doesn’t burn. A knock comes from the door and Colby goes to answer it “hey brother” Colby says greeting Sam with a bro hug, i start to serve up the food onto four plates “hey guys go sit down” I say and grab two plates of food and taking it to Sam and Kat, Colby starts to pour the wine and i go to grab the last two plates and hand Colby his as he sits down on the couch and i sit on the floor 

“So what is this?” Sam asks “it’s creamy garlic shrimp pasta and a thank you” I say “a thank you for what?” Sam asks taking a bite of food “well i just wanted to say thank you for being there for me and helping me” I say and take a sip of my wine. We eat, drink and chat for the rest of the night. “Should we call Jennifer? I want to know more about the cabin and stuff” Sam says, me and Kat take all of the used stuff into the kitchen and then we head upstairs to let the boys work. “So how are you doing?” I ask sitting on Colby’s editing chair while Kat sits on a bean bag “I’m fine, what about you?” Kat asks “I feel weird like I want to live my life im free from him, he ruined my life and now he’s gone I want to take it back I want to be me again” I explain “and you have every right to do that” she says. 

Sam and Colby got done with the phone call and turned of the camera “thank you for having us” Sam says as they walk out of the door “the food was amazing” Kat says, we say goodbye and i start with cleaning the mess, “do you need some help” Colby asks “no im good go sit down” I reply, starting to wash up, “I’m gonna go shower quickly then” Colby says and goes to the bathroom.  I finish the kitchen and then sit out on the balcony to have a cigarette, I sit and just watch the sky as the sun goes down.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and thanks for reading, don't forget to vote. love ya xx

Where Do We Go When We Die | Colby Brock Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon