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“I dont think i can drive that far, i was falling asleep in the tent” Colby says pulling out and getting onto the dirt road “look how narrow it is” Sam says “woah woah wait” he says as his phone start to ring, he answers the call and there was nothing but weird computer noises. “That sounds like somebody is trying to prank us” Colby says, Sam hangs up the phone, “i did tell a couple of people we were going to film here so i bet like someone trying to fuck with us” Sam says 

“Dude that was so weird. Okay are we nearly at the place?” Sam asks Colby “yeah we are, we’re only like a minute away” Colby says, we pull up to a cabin and there is a light at the top of a large set of stairs, “that looks like the stairway to heaven” Corey says 

“wait is this it? No i cant be” Colby says “no its not it” he adds, Colby takes a turn and keeps driving past it and then Corey gets another call from a no caller id “im not answering it” he says. “If i get a call i'm throwing my phone out the window” Jake says “and its only every you two i’ve never gotten a call before” Colby says “me neither” Jake says. 

“Tell me if im about to hit the edge” Colby says “wait wait i dont have a light” Sam says and Colby stops driving for a second to let him get his light on, “okay your good” Sam says “okay im gonna scoot forward a bit” Colby says. “This is it” Colby says coming to a stop in front of a cabin, we all  get out immediately getting drenched by the rain, “cute” I say sarcastically about the creepy looking cabin, “it is pouring bro, right sam get the key” Colby says as he starts to walk up to the front door within me following behind. 

We all get to the door, sam opens the screen door and starts to look for the key, “can we be quick? cause im getting soaking wet out here” Jake says “yeah” Sam says stilling for the key and i can tell that he is starting to panic, he quickly takes his bag off his shoulders and starts searching through to different pockets. 

“You find it?” Colby asks “are you looking for the key?” Jake asks “yeah” Sam mumbles still rummaging through his bag “i had it at that girls house… did i give it to you?” Sam asks looking up from his bag to Colby, Colby feels around in his pockets feeling for the key “ummmm, no i dont i think you had it last” he says. We try to help Sam retract his steps but the last time he had it was at the wiccons house. 

We head back to the car so we can look for it some more out of the rain, i sit back in the middle and close my eyes trying to get some rest after such a long and stressful night. I wake up and see that we have moved and that we’re back outside Vanessa's house, i look out the front window and see a group coming towards us “wait guys what the fuck is that?” Colby asks, pointing at the same thing I am looking at. 

We all look at the people coming towards us and watch as they come closer to us “holy shit, holy shit” Colby says “are they coming to the car?” Sam asks “why arent you driving away?” I ask letting the boys know i am awake “we dont have anywhere to go” Colby says “maybe you should call out to them” he adds looking at Sam “what do you mean? Why me?” Sam whines “dude there right there” Colby says “fine” Sam sighs, opening his window and leaning out of it a little so the people can see him “hello?” He calls out, they come closer to the car up to Colbys window, Colby rolls down his window “oh sam and colby” one of the people say “oh my god! She scared the hell out of me” Colby says relieved that it was just Vanessa and her friends. 

We tell her what has happened and why we’re here and she lets us into her cabin to look around for the key but we leave without it “thanks again” Sam says to vanessa as we start to walk up the stairs towards Colby’s car “good luck guys and dont forget about that death card” she says and then the boys all start to shout freaked out a bit. We get back in the car and the boys try to figure out what we are going to do now without the key and i start to fall asleep again. 


“y/n we’re back at the camp site” Jake says shaking my arm to try and wake me, i groan a little not wanting to be awake and wanting to be in my bed in the warmth, i grab my bag and slowly follow the boys down to the tent. I hug my body and squint my eyes a little because of the rain hitting my face, Sam was at the front and saw the tent first “woah woah woah” he says holding up his hand to get us to stop walking “what?” Colby asks walking forward a bit to try and see what Sam is seeing “that thing on the tent its blown over” Sam says “oh” Colby says realising what was wrong. 

“The flaps like undone” Sam says making Corey gasp freaking out, Colby starts to walk towards the tent trying to see if there was anyone or anything inside it “its been raining so the soil might be loose, its just this thing im not to worried about that” Colby says picking up the spike that goes in the ground. 

I get into the tent while the boys look around the tent one last time, i get into my sleeping bag and lay down getting comfortable, the boys join me in the tent, they all start to talk and recap the night and my eyes start to get heavy and i fall asleep again. 


I wake to the boys moving about, i look to my right to see colby also awake, “morning brothers and y/n” Corey says “morning” i mumble sitting up and stretching out my back after sleeping on the floor, i get out of the tent with my pack of cigarettes and lighter and i go and sit on one of the chairs we brought, i light my cigarette and look out into the woods. 

I finish smoking and walk over to the boys and start to help them with putting the tent away, we finish packing and get into the car “right everyone ready?” Sam asks from the drivers seat, we humm in response and he starts driving. 


After a few hours of driving we get to Coreys and drop him off “bye Corey” everyone says as he gets out of the car and i move over to the window seat. We get back to the boys apartment complex, Jake goes to his apartment, Sam and Colby go to Sam’s apartment and i go into Colby's place and get in the shower. 

“Y/n! Im back” I hear Colby say as he shuts the front door “im just in the shower im almost done” I say back, once im finished in the shower and ive gotten dressed

I walk into the sitting room and see Colby sat on the sofa eating a bowl of cereal “hey” i say and sit down on the other side of the sofa “there’s some cereal if your hungry” Colby says putting another spoon full of cereal into his mouth, “im good...

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I walk into the sitting room and see Colby sat on the sofa eating a bowl of cereal “hey” i say and sit down on the other side of the sofa “there’s some cereal if your hungry” Colby says putting another spoon full of cereal into his mouth, “im good i think im just gonna get a bottle of water” I say getting up and walking over to the fridge opening it up and getting a bottle out. 

“Um i was wondering if you could drive me to my apartment today?” I question quietly, Colby stops eating his breakfast and looks at me “are you sure your ready to go back?” he questions trying to read my face “yes, i cant sleep on your couch anymore, and i am so thankful that you have let me, but i need to get back my apartment sooner or later because otherwise i'm never gonna go back” I say “Ok, well just tell me when you want to go” he says “is like two hours okay?” I ask and he nods yes in reply.  

Where Do We Go When We Die | Colby Brock Where stories live. Discover now