Concert Hall.

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Me and colby walk back over to the group where the boys are stood with the girl, “y/n this is jennifer, Jennifer this is y/n” Sam says “hi nice to meet you” I say holding out my hand “you too” she says taking my hand and shaking it. “She can see and speak to the dead” Jake says to the girl making me laugh at the way he said it. 

“So do you know of anything in the hotel?” Sam asks “umm i know that there are a lot of children spirits on the fourth floor and they really like 428” Jennifer says “428?” Colby asks “what?” Jake asks being oblivious once again “thats where we’re staying tonight” Sam says. We start to walk to our room to show Jeniffer  “are you sure your okay?” colby asks from next to me “yeah im fine” “why did you walk off?… did you see something?” “yeah but it was nothing” i say smiling. 

“So you say there are children on the fourth floor” Sam says as we stand outside our room door: colby was stood infront of the door and i am next to him, sam and Jeniffer are stood infront of us and Jake was stood on the sairs with Corey. “yes, because this used to be where the children and mothers and the workers would stay before they made them into rooms and then now a bunch of children run around you’ll hear them laughing in the middle of the night, and then in here a cowboy stands at the foot of the bed but if you are a women he will come over and kiss you on the forehead” Jennifer says 

“Shut the fuck up” I say and everyone laughs “no cause that is where i draw the line i dont like that stuff” i add “i’ll dress up as a girl so he will kiss me instead of you” Colby says “aww true gentleman” i joke. “We heard like two giant knocks in our room probably an hour ago in the closet” Sam says “and the hangers were swinging and stuff. Have you heard like anything about the closet?” Corey adds “yeah they like to go into the closet” Jennifer confirms. 

“Why did we pick the room with the haunted cowboy in it?” Colby asks “every room has a story doesnt it” Sam says to Jennifer “yeah, 401 has an irish man who stands in the closet and if you're a woman you go in and you'll start grabbing your hair and putting his hands on your neck” “im glad we did not come here as a women” Sam says “i hate my life right now” i say. 

Jeniffer starts to walk us around showing us different places and hauntings, i was walking behind Sam and Colby listening as they talk about weather they should trust Jennifer, “i mean they both have a point she is a bit weird” Someone says beside me “yout dont even know her” i reply in a hushed whisper “i dont need to i know everything because im dead” “you are so stupid” “dont speak ill of the dead” she says making me laugh. Colby and Sam turn around looking at me weirdly “sorry” i mutter. 

We go back to the attic to try and see the redrum, Jake takes the camera and a flashlight and shines it up at the door, “oh my god” Everyone says in unison “how did we not see that the first time?” Colby asks “no idea brother” Sam says. 

We continue to go down to the concert hall following behind Jennifer “what the fuck do i say?” Sam whispers “whats going on right now?” Colby asks the camera. Sam starts the explain what we heard at the vortex while they look at the picture of the women again, i just stand by colby behind the camera to keep an eye on him because he still seem a bit anxious when no one is really looking at him. “So how old are you?” Colby asks as we walk towards the concert hall “im 21” She replies. 

“Why is it so fucking cold” “your dead stop comlaining” i whisper following behind the group “I just wanted to join in” “and annoy me apparently” I add Colby stops and waits for me to catch up “hey” he says “hi” i say and he starts walking again “are you cold?” Colby asks “no-” “yes” i send her a glare “im fine” i say giving colby my attention again “is there someone here with us?” “yeah, but their not part of the hotel. They just follow me around” i say “do you mind me asking who?” “she was my best friend, Briana” i say looking down at my feet with a small smile.

“Oh… im sorry i-” “no dont be sorry its totally fine” i interrupt not wanting him to apologise anymore. We carry on walking in silence listening to the others conversation, “maybe lets go in the basement” Sam says in front of the main doors after seeing that there are still workers, Colby opens the door and holds it for me “thank you” i say and he smiles in response i like his smile  “dude this is so much creepier at night” Sam says as we all spread out a bit.  

I stand with Colby and Sam as we look at Jennifer who is walking around without a flashlight, all the boys say how their scared and i start to try and see if that thing was still here “how are you feeling?” Colby questions when the others leave us to go talk to Jennifer “im fine but i dont think that the thing is still here” i answer “are you getting anything yet?” “no not yet, but when we were here earlier he was like blocking himself from me so he could be doing that right now”.  

“This is the mirror” Corey shouts as him and Colby point at a mirror “what?” Sam questions “that thing we were looking at with all the pictures this is the mirror in those pictures” Corey exlplains. Everybody turns their lights off and Colby starts to take pictures in front of the mirror he takes the last one and hands the phone to Corey who then starts to look through them and we all turn around with our backs the the mirror *knock* “What was that?” Jake asks “it could of been from the construction up stairs” Colby says debunking the noise “wait what is that?” Corey asks zooming in on a line in the picture then zooming out and checking the other pictures “its only in that one” he says going back to the photo. 

“Fuck” the boys all say when Jennifer turns up behind us and scares us and then just walks away. We carry on in the basement but nothing is really happening when Corey freaks out and starts running out of the door the rest of us starting to follow him “what are you- Corey Corey” Sam says trying to catch up to him “i got a little kid peaking around the chair” Corey says in fear and disbelief “no you didnt” Sam says also in disbelief. He did “bro” Colby says looking down at the picture “yeah thats lucy” Jennifer says walking away, Corey jumps up and down shouting not knowing what to do with himself and Jake jumps over a wall and starts to run around.

I stand by Colby hugging my own body to try and keep warm and watch Jennifer start to act a little weird after seeing that picture “i think we should quickly head back in and try to debunk it” Corey says and so i start to reluctantly follow the group back into the basement “it could have been that but i dont know” Colby says pointing at a part of the chairs. 

“Are you okay?” i ask Jennifer looking down the hallway to see if i can see anything “yeah, it just kinda freaked me out thats all” she says, we hear something moving around and look at each other and then there are footsteps coming towards us, we both look over towards it and see something. We grab hold of each others arms out of fear and run “whats goi-” “no just get out quick” i say interrupting Corey getting him and Jake to leave me and Jennifer continue holding onto each others arm as we run out of the door and over to Sam and Colby. 

“Whats wrong? Whats going on?” Colby asks as i run into him letting go of Jennifer and wrapping my arms around him. “What happened?” Sam asks confused and Colby wrapps one arm around my back the other holding the back of my head. “We were just where Corey got that picture and we heard like things moving then we heard footsteps and we looked over we just saw this white appear and then ran” Jennifer says shaken up “it was the thing that i saw earlier but it is really mad now” i say moving my head to the side to look at everyone.

Sam’s pov: 

“She kinda looks like shes been crying” i whisper to corey pointing at y/n from the back of the group “just know?” Corey asks “yeah… that must've been serious” i whisper.

Y/N’s pov: 

“Do you think we overstepped our boundaries?” Jake asks “i mean i think they were just telling us they were there the whole time” Jennifer says and i just keep quiet looking down at the floor with my arms crossed, we stop at the bottom of the stairs and i stand with colby who still had his arm around my back. I just stand with my eyes closed as everyone else looks at another picture Corey took that had a face in it. 

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