The ball room

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We made it back to the group and carried on with the investigation. “We are entering the ball room right now” Colby tells the camera as we walk into the massive ball room, i walk over to the dance floor with a smile on my face and look up at the ceiling and look at the dietail above me, “completely alone now, our guide has to stand to the side though but we are going to start the actual investigation” Colby said as we all started to sit in a circle on the dance floor and sam and colby explained the equipment they are using. 

“Matt i just realised that you have never done an investigation like this with us” colby said and he give a terrified look making us all giggle a bit “obviasly we have Y/N and Amanda here but if we cant communicate we have the emf reader, the music box that detects movement, and then the rem pod cause if we remember about the last time we were on the queen marry it was all about knocks” sam explains to the camera “did you not hear the knocking over there?” Amanda asks pointing to the other side of the room “no” Sam and Colby both say at the same “yeah there were a few knocks over there a minute ago” Kat adds. “While we were talking about that?” sam questions “it was after you were talking about the rem pod and before you were talking about the knocking last time” i explain “dude” sam said. 

Sam sets up the music box on the floor facing where the knocks came from so we would know if there was something moving while we had our back to it, sam stood intfront of the coffin shaped box to show us what it sounded like. Everyone looked at each other as the horrifying song played “that is horrendous” Amanda said and we all hummed agreeing, “their ready to get started when you guys are” i said smiling up at the boys. Everyone sits in a semi-circle, it went Sam, Kat, Amanda, me, Colby, Matt and then James with the camera set up in front of us,  “We’re calling out to the spirits of the queen marry” Amanda starts “those of past, those of present, we’re trying to open a line of communication calling out to good spirits nothing negative only those of light can come contact us... can communicate with us.” as i finish we hear a knock getting everyones attention ”two taps” Colby points out ”we know your here…” Amnda says before stopping because of more knocking “... you’re welcome to make yourself visible to me or Y/N” she continued “you can also make your presence known by this device behind colby to my left …” i say pointing behind Colby “... the red light over behind me and Amanda in the corner in the room…” i continued pointing to the corner as i was about to start talking again when Kat brings something up “i just got like the whole left side of my bady got goosebumps” she said pointing at where the goosebumps are “... theres a light behind Kat, Amanda and I you can go up and you can touch the light we’re now opening this communication” i finish as Sam shows the EMF reader to the camera as it starts to go off. 

“So youve never done this type of thing before?” Colby asks Matt “i have not”  Matt said looking a bit nervous “well it will be perfectly fine, nothing bad will happen to you i promise” i say trying to reassure him and he give me a small smile and a nod. “I want to call out to the spirit John i have seen and spoken to you on this ship, any other spirits are welcome to pop in but John i am speaking directly to you John if your here you can make any of these devices go off to comfirm your presence” Amanda said as we wait for anyone to show up “John Pedder if your here we would love to talk to you” i repeat. “Wait whos john pedder?” colby asks angling his body to me more making him alot closer to me “Pedder was his last name” i inform them “how do you know?” sam question “ive been obsessed with this ship since forever so i liked to learn a lot of things” i said with a smile “nice to know” colby said looking at me with a sweet smile on his face. 

“there‘s someone here with us” Amanda informs with a small smile “is he sitting over there?” colby asked staring straight forward as to not see anything he isnt ready for “yeah that's where he walked by a minute ago” Amanda said “well… thanks for coming John” colby said “theres a man in navy blue standing over there…” i said pointing to the other side of the room behind colby “... he just walked by that tree” i informed “that one there?” colby asked pointing at one of the trees “no the one next to it” i tell him “was he in like overalls or-” i nod telling him yes. We talk about who it could be, “i feel like i saw a shadow but i dont know if its just my eyes playing tricks on me” Matt explained still looking anxious “maybe we could go in a circle and just ask a question give it ten seconds each, and then if-” as sam was about to finish speaking there was a loud knock causing all of us to look at the wall behind the camera. As Sam starts to talk about how many times him and colby have been here and what they had experienced but i notice James started to act really weird and didnt look too well. “Im sorry to interrupt but are you okay James?” i asked looking at him as my concern grew “i just dont feel good right now” he said “do you need to step outside a minute?” i ask “yeah” he said standing up “do you want me to come with?” i questioned about to stand up “no no no im fine stay here” he said and he started to walk out. 

Once  James left the room someone else entered “the cook is here” Amanda said “i was about to say that” i said laughing a bit “the cook?” Colby and Kat said at the same time “the man who i thought burned to death.” Amanda added “if the cook is here and would like to talk to us can you give us a little knock?” sam asked me and Amanda both look at each other nodding a little and then smiling. As sam was about to ask if it doesnt want to talk to us there was a loud bang next to us bringing his sentence to a halt and we all look in the direction of the sound staying quiet to see if there is any other noises. “Were you about to say ‘if you dont want to talk to us make a noise’?” Amanda questions and sam nods with a scared smile on his face. “You know how to communicate with us, you have the music box you have the rem pod, you have the E2 metre…” i repeat for anyone or anything that has just come into the room with us but as i finish my sentence there was another loud knock “... and you have me and Amanda” i say “that was not a normal creek” Kat said “that was not a creek or a settling noise” sam said as we all look at each other “no no no no no no no that like shook the floor” Colby said and i could tell he was a bit anxious “is that you that made that noise?” Colby asked but nothing happened, then Matt spoke up “im curious about something.” “alright” Sam said as Matt stood up and walked behind the wall “alright so try again” he called out to us “we’re calling out to the spirits of the queen mary past and presence” Amanda said “we want to hear your story and call out the man in blue who is in the corner of the room you know i saw you i know you saw me. To the little girl who just came in” i say as everyone looks at me because of the last thing i said, there was then another noise “was that her?” Colby asked “mhm” i hummed and nodded. “Matt you see anything over there?” Sam yelled over to his friend that was behind the wall “im stood over here and im still hearing stuff. And i was worried it might be like, me…” Matt said walking back over to the group and sitting on the floor again “making those noises?” colby asked “no no no like. It might be me whos like theyre not… activating stuff ‘cause of me.” he said, i could tell exactly why he thinks that but im not sure the others are catching on yet, “why? The not believing thing?” sam asked “no no no just i dont know… i dont know.. It was like, you know you gotta remove some factors and… see if like you know… i dont know i was like… i just kinda felt like well what if i left and then stuff started happening i’d be like, shoot it was me or… you know its like i dont know.” he said, i could tell that he was worried that the spirits werent doing anything because he was here and they are ‘old fashioned’. 

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