Feeling Sick

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Time skip: 

We finished up in the ball room and then started walking to the next destination that we were going to do our investigation. As we were walking one of Amanda's crystals fell out of her little bag “im literally holding the top so i dont know how it came out” she said showing us that there was no way for the crystal to fall out “what would the ghost want with a quartz?” i joked picking it up of the floor. “Wait did you say it was quartz?” sam asked looking at me with the camera in his hand pointing it at me “yeah” i said giving him a confused look “the pool is supposed to be made of quartz and apparently people drowned in it” colby told me. I then realised James still wasnt with us so i decide to call him to see how he’s doing “im just going to call James quickly just to see how he’s feeling” i said as i started to go off from them a bit to call him. After the phone rang a few times James’ voice came through “hello” he said and with the most kindness in my heart he sounded like shit “hey, how are you doing?” i asked starting to get concerned “i had to come outside i wasnt feeling and when i went to the toilet i started throwing up.” he said “okay i’ll be there in a minute” i said and hung up as he started to argue. “Hey guys i need to go outside for a minute is that okay?” i asked returning back to the group “yeah, are you okay?” colby asked “yeah im fine but james isnt doing good” i said “we’ll take you out cause its dark now” sam said putting his backpack on properly “no i’ll be fine i don't want to cause you any hassle” i told him, “no it would make me feel better if we came with” sam said “okay then” i said with a small smile and we started walking out. 

We got to james and he was sat on the curb with his head in his hands covering his face “hey, are you okay?” i asked sitting next to him and putting my arm around him “im fine” he said lifting his head but i knew he was lying, he was very pale and i put my hand on his forehead “you have a fever… you should go home” i told him feeling concerned “then how are you going to get home?” he said, his voice was small and weak probably from throwing up, “i’ll call an uber” i said “or i can take you” sam said with a small smile on his face “yeah we have enough space” colby added as if he knew i was going to ask. “See i’ll be fine you need to go home and get some sleep” i demand sounding like a mother “are you sure you will be okay?” he asked as we both started to stand up “i’ll be fine… just let me get my stuff from your car” i said, we headed to his car and i got my stuff out as James got into the drivers seat, “are you sure your okay by yourself?” he asked making sure one last time “im sure plus im not by myself im with sam and colby” i said putting my bag back on after. 

After saying goodbye and James driving off we started to head back to the others to carry on with the investigation. “We are back at the main first class pool right here this is where all you guys saw this door right here open by itself and this again is the pool where Jackie got drowned and she apparently she haunts this area” sam said to the camera and sets up the rem pod and then everyone turns in the same direction after hearing the same noise “what was that?” almost everyone said at the same time “that was definitely a growl” sam said “and it wasnt anyone here cause we’re all together and James has gone home” i say a bit scared. “If the spirit of jackie is here and you would like to talk to us please let us know” sam called out and we waited for a response, after nothing happening Amanda stared to explain the equipment and how to use it “we saw you move the door earlier can you do that for us again?” kat asked we waited a bit before she spoke up again “open or close the” and then we waited again, we went back to the door to the pool “jackie my names Amanda and this is Y/N we’re able to see spirits like you, i heard you had a tragic accident in this pool i’m so sorry that happened but i’m here with my friends sam and colby and they're really interested in communicating with you” she finished her sentence and then there was a noise that came from the  other side of the door and we all look at each other “did you hear that whistle?” i ask and they all nod. 

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