The isolation ward

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We make it to the isolation ward and head down the stairs but the guid stays up at the door “get out now while you can” a man whispers in my ear, the voice didnt belong to anyone in the room, as i was about to say something the guide speaks up “im gonna lock you guys in now” he said as he shut the door making everyone look at each other with a worried look on their faces. Sam and colby havent been paying attention because they were busy talking to the camera. “What just happened?” kat questions scared causing sam to start paying attention “what?” sam asks going up to kat and rubbing up and down her arm in a comforting manner. 

“Did you not just hear him? He locked us in here” Amanda in forms laughing nervously, “why would he do that?” Colby asks “i have no idea, lets just carry on without him” i say trying to keep everyone from panicking “ok” sam says and we all start walking through the ward. “This is the room shane dawson went to” Colby says as we walking into a room at the end of a short corridor. 

We all enter the room and stay quiet for a minute to see if we can hear anything “do you guys see anyhting?” sam asks breaking the silents in the room “i dont, do you?” amanda questions looking over at me as well as everyone else “ummm. I dont see anyone but i can feels someone here, their quite a busy person their running around doing things” i says trying to figure out more about the person in the room “its a women, shes around my height like 5’5/5’6, she feels very caring, shes young maybe 20.” i add as more things come to me “is there anything else you can tell us about her?” matt asks “ummm its really weird but she smells like… ummm alot of different flowers and stuff theres jasmine, violet, and maybe turkish rose, theres some other things but i-” i said but was interrupted by the women talking to me “its called 'evening in paris' by boujois” she says with a smile. “Evening in paris” i tell the other with a smile resting on my face “what?” kat asks “she told me, shes very proud of it…” “a man very special to me gave it to me as a gift” the women says with a bright smile on her face as she thinks about her lover “... a lover gave it to her, and its really special to her” i say as everyone ‘aws’ at it. 

We leave the room and start to head back to where the guide left us, we stood behind a wall to talk before we head to the stairs “where do you think the guy is?” colby asks “i don't know. He just left us” sam replied. “Should we run away and have this place to ourselves?” colby jokes “i don't know but we should probably try the door and hope that its unlocked” matt said being the first person in the room to say something logical. We get back to the stairs and the guide is sat there waiting for us and everyone lets out a breath of relief “oh my god dude where did you go?” colby asks “you actually kinda scared me” kat said. 

The boys turned off the camera and Sam started to act strange and he started to feel ill so we all stopped for a bit and left the ship. Me and james headed to his car and sam and colby headed somewhere private so they can talk, i sat in the passenger seat with the door open facing james who was stood near the door in front of me, he watched me as i took a cigarette out my box and grabbed my lighter “want one?” i ask James “no but I want you” he said, gently opening my legs and standing in between them. I smiled as I took a drag from my cigarette. I chuckled, shaking my head and looking at the ground as I let all the smoke leave my body into the air. 

He grabbed my face making me look up at him and he pulls my face to his and connects our lips together as he tries to deepen the more but i pull away from him and quickly put the cigarette in between my lips so he cant kiss me again, he sighs and runs his tongue on the inside of his cheek “your so annoying sometimes you know that?” i say finishing my cigarette and flicking it onto the floor “im not annoying, you are annoying i want to kiss you but you pulled away” he said pouting, i gentaly pushed him back so i can stand up. I give him a small peck on the cheek and step back again “is that better?” i ask but he doesnt answer instead he places his hands on my hips and pushes me against the car, it wasnt ruff it was soft and tender, his lips moved perfectly with mine. After making out for another 20 minutes sam and colby came up behind us and sam cleared his throat to get our attention. 


I took Sam somewhere private to talk and get some air because he wasnt feeling good, “hey so whats going on?” i asked once Y/N and James had gone past us and we were alone, “i dont know… i feel really bad about it but like i was so… so hyped this morning to like film this and like the entire day and leading up to it even in the car i was like this is gonna be a banger like i really want to film this since its gonna be so sick but for some reason as soon as we stepped on the ship it was like you even saw it in the intro i almost couldnt think of what to say” he explained “yeah, i could tell from the get-go that like something was off” i said “for some weird reason i feel like immediately drained all day i was like fine drank a full on fucking energy drink and had dinner before we came it was like as soon as i saw the ship it was like i almost got pissed off like a light switch was almost like… i dont know because i actually generally felt sick” he said. 

Time skip    

Me and sam had finished talking and so we went to go and find Y/N and James, so we could carry on, when we got to them they were making out. I mean i think anyone would love to make out with Y/N she is hot. Sam cleared his throat to try and get their attention and they stoped kissing “we’re about to carry on” sam told them “okay coming” she said with a small smile. 

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