10. Yes!

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Lauren's POV

"Oh my god Lo!" She said which caused me to turn and smile at her.

"How did you do this?" She asked pointing to the camp fire and candles? Rose pedals? Dinah's idea, I thought.

"I um, kinda had Dinah help me." I explained rubbing the back of my neck.

"She knew?! And she didn't tell me?!"

"Haha yeah, I'll be right back." I said walking towards the trunk and got the food out.

"What's that?"

"S'mores and hot dogs" I said with a smirk on my face.

A big smile was then plastered across her face and she started squealing like crazy. I loved this side of her, where she was herself and didn't care where she was or who was watching her.

I led her towards a spot on the grass and we sat down. For awhile we just sat in comfortable silence watching the city skyline in front of us with the ocean in between.

It's time


"Hmm?" She says ripping her attention from the lights to me

"I um...I kind of have feelings for you." I wait for her to give a signal to stop but she didn't so I kept going.

"I came here to Miami not only because my dad got promoted but because I also wanted to get away from the people who had hurt me a lot. When I got here I didn't plan on letting myself fall for anyone, but that all changed the moment I saw you. Then when I tapped your shoulder and you turned around, I knew I wanted to know more about you because something just lured me in. Time passed and our friendship grew stronger and so did my feelings. I didn't want to tell you because I was afraid of losing you, I'd rather have you as a friend than as nothing at all. When I'm with you everything just seems so right. When I look at you I'm speechless because of your beauty. It doesn't matter if you've just woken up or if you're dressed up, you're always beautiful. Your not just physically beautiful but also emotionally beautiful. You've been through so many things Camz, that I even admire how you still manage to keep a smile on your face even though you could be dying inside. I want all the strings attached with you, I love when I catch you staring at me. Believe it or not I see us together forever. I see us walking hand in hand on the beach shoreline with me feeling things I can't describe. I want to be in your loving arms and I want to kiss you under the starry night. I need you Camila, you're good for me I just know it. There's so many things I want to share with you that nobody else knows about. I want you to know more about me like I've learned things about you. Let all those things become possible by accepting to being my girlfriend?"

I sat there looking at her waiting for an answer. I was never good on expressing my feelings verbally. The only way I could was by writing it on paper, in words. But when I'm with her it's like I could tell her everything I'm feeling. Her eyes looked watery like if she was going to cry. It feelt like I had been waiting forever but just as I was going to talk again I got tackled with a hug by her.

"Yes!!Lauren yes!" She said excitingly.

I gave out the biggest smile I could make, I probably looked like a fool but I didn't care, I'd be a fool for her. I looked up to her noticing that she was hovering over me. I leaned up and captured her lips in my own.

Our kiss wasn't rushed it was slow and passionate. Our lips fit perfectly like if they were made for each other as they moved in sync. I just didn't feel the butterflies but also the entire zoo in my stomach. Once we pulled away for air, my lips were left tingling, craving for more.

"You don't know how long I've had feelings for you too" she said.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Same reasons as yours."

"Well we're together now. That's what matters."

"Yes." she said capturing my lips in hers for another kiss.

We got hungry so we then started cooking the sausages for the hot dogs over the fire. When ready, we placed them in a bun and started eating, once in awhile feeding each other, which actually meant Camz putting ketchup on my face and then dying of laughter.

I stood up from where we were sitting and walked towards the edge of the hill. I then let my thoughts take over my mind. I turned my head to see Camila's figure.I didn't mind having ketchup on my face because it made her happy, if she's happy so am I. I wish I could see her like this all the time. But with the problems with her parents it's highly impossible. I would do anything to solve her problems. I would bare the pain she hides.

I sighed and turned my head back towards the city lights. I was then pulled from my thoughts by Camila's voice.

"Babe I want s'mores" she told me standing up.

I turned around and faced her with a smile on my face.

"Why are you smiling like a weirdo?" She asked giggling.

"You called me babe."

"Well you are my girlfriend." she said in a duh tone.

I walked towards her and wrapped my arms around her waist and her's automatically wrapped around my neck.

"Girlfriend, I like the sound of that." I stated with our foreheads touching.

"So do I."

I couldn't help it any longer I lent down and captured her lips for the third time tonight. I just couldn't get enough of them. Her lips were so soft and sweet, they were my addiction. My drug.

"Come on, lets make you some s'mores." I said pulling her back to the spot we were sitting on before.

We made a few and ate them. Then we laid down with Camila on my chest and looked up at the stars. We were in comfortable silence that was until she spoke up.

"Hey Laur?"


"Are we going public?"

"Well my parents know and accept me so I wouldn't mind, but if you think otherwise I'm okay with it."

"I just kinda want to tell our friends because my parents don't know and I don't want school drama if the school starts to find out."

"Fine with me. We'll stay low-key princess." I say kissing her forehead.

"Thank you for everything."

"You're welcome baby."

We lay for another hour or so until we had to go home. It was Friday but I still had to get home before midnight. Can you believe that? I mean for crying out loud I'm 18 already but I understand my parents care about me.

A little to much.

We picked up everything, making sure we got all the trash and double checked that the fire was completely out. I started the engine and drove with one hand on the wheel, while the other one was intertwined with Camila's.

Once home I seen that she had fallen asleep so I didn't bother taking her to her house. She'd be staying with me tonight. I parked my car in the long drive way and then went to her side and carried her out bridal style towards the front door. I managed to get my keys from my pocket and opened the door.

My mom was still up watching her novella so she heard me walk in. She saw me carrying a sleeping Camila so she mouthed to me 'Is that her?' and I simply nodded. I then took her upstairs into my room and laid her down. I was exhausted too so I didn't bother changing. I laid down next to her and wrapped my arms around her. I fell asleep with the sound of my girlfriend's beating heart.

A/n: do you guys like the new book cover? Pretend that in the pic it's two girls not a guy and girl lol. Closest thing I found

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