15. Meeting Them

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Camila's POV

What are they doing home? They said three months, not one and a half! Of course, right when things were going so good something had to ruin it and that something was my parents. It had only been four days since we got together but I know that Lauren and I will last for a long time. They can't find out about us though, because who knows what they'll do.

"I want to meet them." Lauren said pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Y-You do?" I asked confused. I would have thought that she would run off or something.

"Yeah. I want to meet the people that made this beautiful girl who has stolen my heart."

I blushed, "Lo I've told you how they are."

"I know but I still want them to know me because I'll be here often." She said smirking.

I rolled my eyes, "Fine."

She reached for my hand and together we walked through the hall then down the stairs. I was nervous, I didn't know if it was because Lauren was meeting my parents or because I was going to see the people that made me go through hell. I guess she felt me tense up because she started to rub her thumb over my hand.

"Camila honey!" my mother said as soon as she spotted me. I quickly let go of Lauren's hand and immediately regretted it when I saw hurt flash through her eyes.

"Hi mom." I replied with a fake smile.

"How have you been? Who's this?" She asked looking over at Lauren who was standing next to me.

"Tha-Hi I'm Lauren Jauregui, one of Camila's close friends." She replied interrupting me.

"That's great! Camila only had like one friend. What was her name sweety? Deenah?"

"Dinah." I corrected annoyed. Knowing that she was only acting this way because Lauren was here. I hated her fakeness.

"Right, well I'm Sinu, let me call my husband. Alejandro, come meet Camila's new friend!" She yelled.

I heard footsteps coming closer and closer towards the living room, then they stopped. I turned my head and there he was, the man that had caused me so much pain, emotionally and physically. I could even see the cruelty in his eyes which caused me to start shaking a bit. Lauren saw so she started rubbing my back, to calm me down.

My dad gave out that type of smile that would send chills down your spine and then spoke. "Hello I'm Alejandro." then stretched out his arm towards Lauren.

"Nice to meet you sir, I'm Lauren." my girlfriend spoke in a tone I've never heard of. Then shook his hand with the same strength. How do I know? Well since both of their veins were popping out and they were looking at each other with a determination look in their eyes.

The tension was getting to me so I spoke up. "So why are you guys home early?"

"Well the corporation had a set back and they told us to come home." My dad explained.

"How long are you staying?"

"About a month" my mom replied.

As soon as she said that my body went numb. I couldn't bare the idea of having them home for thirty days. I couldn't even stand seeing them for thirty seconds. I know I shouldn't feel this way towards the people that gave me life but they have earned my hate towards them. Hate was a very strong word but they deserved it.

I look towards Lauren who was still staring at my dad intently, which gladly he didn't notice because he was on his phone. There was an awkward silence so I just decided to leave with Lauren. Where? I don't know but anywhere was better than here.

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