23. Fucked up

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Lauren's Pov

"Well is anyone going to tell me what's going on or am I just going to stand here waiting like an idiot?" Dinah asked.

The tension was getting to me so I got Normani's arm and pulled her with me in the direction of the front doors. I didn't want to be the one to say it, Camila could do it.

Plus I knew that when she found out, she'd cause a big scene, seeing as she's the Camren ship's captain. I wasn't in the mood for that, like Mani had said, I needed to focus on other things.

"Hey you alright Laur?" Mani asked as we entered the halls.

"Yeah, I'm just trying to not be in the middle of the drama."

"Oh okay, yeah knowing Dinah, she'll make a big deal about it."

"Exactly." I said closing up my locker.

"So are you ready for practice today?"

"Yeah, I'm ready to hit them balls you throw at me." I smirked.

"Whatever Jauregui, I got some tricks up my sleeve." she replied sending a smirk back.

"If you say so." 

We entered our class and like usual we were greeted by multiple people. Not only because we were 'the populars', but because they new we were nice and we treated people equally and that we didn't care what society 'category' they were in.

"Hey guys!!" Ally said excitingly.

"Hey girl, what's got you all happy and shit?" Mani asked.

"Yeah Ally, 'que cuentas'?" I asked.

"Nothing, but I may or may not have eaten candy for breakfast." she said smiling.

"Ally! You always lecture us on eating a healthy breakfast and look at you eating candy for breakfast." Normani said.

"I couldn't help it guys, Tro-ugh!" Mani and I both interrupted her.

"Troy this! Troy that!" I said trying my best to imitate her voice.

"Shutup." she pushed me, slightly blushing now.

"I mean might as well get married already shit. Trolly is cute and all, but I swear sometimes you guys make me sick." I added on, pretending to gag at the end.

"Chill Laur." Mani said chuckling.

"What's that?" I replied sticking my tongue out at her.

After more than an hour of learning about History, something about The Enlightenment, I really wasn't paying attention since my mind was elsewhere. As much as I tried to not think about it, my thoughts went back to what happened yesterday and it repeated over and over again.

The bell rung and at that exact moment my phone dinged telling me I had a text. I took it out from my front pocket and 'Camzi🍕☺️💕' flashed on the screen.

I decided to open the message and it read, "Can we talk?"

What's there to talk about? How Austin's just being a nice guy? How he's such a good person? I'm tired of her defending him so I'd rather not talk to her about anything.

I could be really stubborn and right now seemed like a good time to be it. I was not going to worry right now and I wouldn't sit with the squad at lunch, knowing that she'd be there. She was the last person I wanted to see and/or talk to.

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