Soviet's Children (Prologue)

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Short, but it gives more information on the past.

EDITED: Oct 10, 2023. (Again, I know)

Ah yes, 'future' author here! I just wanted to edit this since it was horribly done the first time. Anyway, Enjoy!


Today was the day The Soviet had fallen, Soviets children were the very first to know, even before the organizations.

Just as Soviet started dying his children's flags started changing. It was a painful experience for them. It felt as if someone was ripping off their skin, and crying didn't help either.

Crying only made the pain worse, the tears felt like acid on their skin. But no matter how painful the process was, a good bunch of them were smiling. Why? Why were they smiling? I guess that's for them to know and share as they please.

When the torment ended, they all ran to make a group hug. Albeit, they didn't know who was hugging who since most of them looked completely different but that didn't matter at the moment. they were finally free.

After The Russian family had their small hugging session, some started telling one another their past names and then their new names that they'd like to be called.

They couldn't wait another moment, they were free and so they could change anything they wanted about themselves, like their name.

They introduced themselves completely different from what they used to be. Everything that they had hidden about themselves was finally coming out into the open.

In the past, they would have never had the confidence to talk about what they personally liked when Soviet was still alive, Soviet preferred to use them as little puppets while he was the puppeteer.

But now, He was gone. This was a new life and a new start. Why not make a little change for once?

Some of them didn't change a whole lot about themselves but they respected their siblings who did.

They never felt so comfortable with each other until now, conversations were always stiff and tight-lipped. One thing is for sure, they agreed on one thing...

"It's better without Him."


As time went on, a month or more, The organizations and countries still hadn't realized Soviet was dead.

I mean who would think Soviet was dead when there was work still being turned in by letters and e-mails? Soviet just didn't show up to any meetings, they just guessed he was too busy.

The paperwork had Soviets handwriting, even though it was sloppier than it used to be. However, that's just what happens when you're extremely busy, you get rushed and write faster, right?

Sadly, sooner or later the organizations realized Soviet was indeed dead. How? Well, they saw some new counties walking around the city, and when they asked the new counties where they came from things didn't go so smoothly.

They completely freaked out, trying to run for it, trying to hide, and some were screaming. A complete mess they were. And very unorganized.

Nevertheless, the organizations took them to the huge building that holds all meetings despite their protests along the way.

They were forced to introduce themselves and there were a lot of them too. 11 in total, but the thing that surprised the organizations and countries was that there were 4 more who were the ones turning in all the work.

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