The states

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My grammar checks were sped up meaning more possible mistakes, I reread this chapter three times in one sitting at night. Is anyone else in the No Sleep gang?


EDITED: June 7, 2023

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America spun around to look at Russia, "Since I'm so nice I've decided to drive you to your house!"

Russia was taken aback by the nice gesture but he was unsure if it would be a good idea, "Are you sure? I don't want to be a burden.. we barely know each other too." Russia was right, they indeed did not know each other that much.

America just laughed it off, "The more we hang out the more we'll know each other, just go with the flow!" Russia calmed down and decided to follow America who led him to the red car that was parked close to the store.

"Here let me get these for you," America put his and Russia's groceries in the back seat but not so close to confusing each other on whose was whose groceries.

Russia nodded and smiled, when he noticed himself smiling he covered his mouth and dropped the smile. Luckily America didn't seem to notice it. Russia never liked his smile. Whatever it looked like, Russia didn't care and all he knew was that he didn't like it.

Perhaps it was because Soviet always told him how ugly it was.

The only time he would smile was when his siblings were around because they never judged his smile in any way.

America and Russia both got in the car. America turned his car on once again and started to back out of the parking lot, "If you don't mind telling me the Direction to your house, that would be great."

Russia instantly told him to turn right, Russia was surprised and confused at himself for telling America so easily like they had known one another for a long time. It usually took Russia a lot of time to give someone his full trust, maybe this specific man beside him hypnotized him.

America was also surprised by the quick response but guessed Russia was somewhat comfortable with him. It made America feel happy that he was getting along with the Russian, quickly too.

'Must be a good sign... I don't want another Cold War and I get a cool ally, this is perfect!' America thought to himself and retrieved a few unwanted memories from the past Cold War he was in.

He was only a teenager, a little boy. America had to fight instead of having the normal life a teenager should have.

He couldn't control it though, he didn't entirely blame it on himself but he did wish things were different than what had happened in the past.

"I am surprised you're okay with me being around you." Russia looked at America in confusion. "Whoops... I didn't mean to say that out loud, It's nothing to worry over."

Russia only frowned, what was it? He had to know, "Tell me, now," He didn't mean to come out so forceful, but America knew it wasn't Russia's intention to be rude, he was only curious.

America decided to just give in, it's not like saying what he wanted to was a crime, "Not trying to bring down the mood but Me and your father weren't on good terms at all when he was still alive. And since he's your father, I thought you would be avoiding me like the plague by now." America kept his eyes on the road while Russia was still looking at him.

Russia's frown was gone and was replaced with a blank stare, "Soviet. Soviet isn't a father to me and he never will be. anyway, I'm now more curious about why you two weren't on good terms.." America was shocked to hear Russia didn't like Soviet In a father-son way, America thought Russia would carry on Soviet's legacy or something like that.

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