Flowers for you

896 19 75

Random: Chamomile flowers are my favorite!

EDITED: July 6, 2023


^ Third POV ^

America stopped his car near the park, he saw a puzzled look on Russia's face and snorted. "The place isn't the park, we have to walk along the pathway to find our destination," he explained, earning an "ohh" from Russia.

They both got out of the car and started walking. The park was close to the great building and other small shops, many people would stop by and enjoy the scenery or go fishing.

There was a vast lake full of different species of fish in the clear water. Tons of pathways were around the lake, going into the forest. Each pathway would have something at the end of it, whether it was more nature or a small shop.

Russia followed America on a pathway, the pathway was barely noticeable, indicating that not many people have walked on the path.

The star-spangled country seemed to know exactly where he was going, Russia wondered how he can be so confident of where he was going. It was hard to see the path but America didn't look down once.

The Slavic wasn't someone to get scared by some darkness but going into an unknown place while it was dark is a no-go for him. Although, he was somewhat calmer than he usually would be in a situation like this, perhaps America being there comforted him.

He couldn't help but to get extra close to his friend, who the hell knows if some creep is going to jump out from behind one of the trees and stab him?

America glanced at Russia who had an uneasy look on his face. America looked at his hands, a bright glow flashed immediately. Russia didn't see it due to how fast it disappeared.

Suddenly, the tricolored country was presented a flashlight. America clicked it on before Russia took it. "You were looking around like we were gonna be assassinated, so I made you a flashlight."

Russia flushed in embarrassment, "I have never been here before, that's why.." What Russia said was partly true, he had never been here before, but he would never be here in the first place at night if it was just him alone.

I mean, who would just walk around a random area at night? America probably would, but not Russia.

The Russian used the flashlight to help his paranoia of being killed in the forest. Even with the flashlight, he was still pretty close to America.

"Calm down, I know where I'm going," America said and hesitantly grabbed Russia by the waist. He pulled Russia closer to him and kept his hand firmly on the Slavic's waist.

America wasn't a touchy person. Therefore he was only doing this to comfort Russia, nothing more.

Not knowing how to feel about this, Russia stayed silent.

Fortunately, they were almost at the spot America wanted to show, all they had to do was go off the path and more into the forest.

America guided Russia off the pathway and walked in the forest, he has been here multiple times so he knows when to leave the path.

It doesn't take long to get there from the forest. "Close your eyes, I'll tell you when to open them," America told Russia as he complied. "Fine, but if you're going to get me killed or kill me, I will haunt you as a ghost," he muttered.

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