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How was your day/week? :)


^ Third POV ^

Russia couldn't believe his eyes, he didn't understand. It was all so confusing and terrifying.

Soviet took a step forward, causing Russia to take several more back. "What? Cats got your tongue?" Soviet laughed.

"...How?" Russia wondered quietly aloud.

"I was brought back to life with some help from someone I don't quite like, but since she gave me this chance to kick your ass again, I'm delighted."

Russia swallowed harshly. "I'm not a boy anymore, I've gotten stronger. Don't think I won't back down without a fight."

This made Soviets raise a brow in amusement. "You may have more strength, but no match for me. After all, you aren't even strong enough to take down America, unlike me," He replied, hinting at something Russia instantly picked up on.

Russia narrowed his eyes and a scowl formed on his face, "You.."

"Did the kidnapping? Proudly so," Soviet snorted, yet didn't mention that he had a "small" amount of help from two other countries that came with him.

The area was dark, filled with mist and grey clouds in the air; trees surrounded and took up every nook and cranny. This was confounding, considering this was underground, but then again it could be the cause of power from an enemy.

The space around looked familiar, to Japan, that is. And it wasn't good whatsoever.

When she thought it couldn't get worse, the one thing that she swore she had almost forgotten had come up in front of her and attacked her.

Japan's pupils shrank before she rolled away in the nick of time, the katana was stabbed into the dirt where she once was.

"Why must you be such a hard child to deal with?" The man who held the katana tsked.

The man had hair as white as snow that was slicked back in a tight bun with one red strand of hair hanging down on his face.

He wore loose-fitting clothes that allowed an elegant fighting style. And his flag was like a red rising sun.

Japan jumped up off the ground and backed far away. She knew who he was, almost everyone did. Bad memories surface with the thought of him.

Staring at the man with a downcast expression she weakly said, "Father, what did I do? I.. thought you died..."

Japan's dad, The Japanese empire, growled distastefully, "You know what you did. You broke my trust! Disloyalty was the least I had expected from you, but I suppose I should've known better."

Japan knew what J.E. was speaking about. He was speaking of the night of his death.


The bombs had made the place Japan called home look no longer livable. It had destroyed everything, and all that her father had gained was being taken from his grasp.

Japan stood there in front of her father, who was leaning against a vast rock with an open wound close to his heart. It was no doubt that this would be his last day alive.

"Japan, my child, come here," He gruffly ordered, blood steadily pouring from his mouth.

She followed his instructions and came closer, sitting closely in front of his legs. J.E. took his katana and pushed it toward her with a look in his eyes.

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