Overwhelming emotions

574 21 46

TW: Mentions of child abuse // minor character death(?)

I swear this chapter is not as bad as the warning makes it seem :)


^ Third POV ^

A hand-carved wooden bear with the finest details was what was laid in the Russian's hands.

He stared at the bear, not even sure of his own emotions. Simply looking at the bear gave him flashbacks to his past and gave him a sense of nostalgia.

Slowly, his fingers unconsciously followed the carved lines of the bear. He could feel his eyes sting and get watery, overwhelmed with emotions, one almost overpowering all. The feeling was indescribable to him, happiness was the closest he could say but would never truly be what he felt.


Little Russia sat in his room and listened to the harsh winds knocking against his window, the exact window he would always climb out of to see the lady, or who he saw as his Бабушка (grandma).

His father should be sleeping in his room by now, that thought made a smile creep up on his face. However, after remembering what his father said about his smile earlier this morning, he quickly wiped it off his face and replaced it with a frown.

Russia slipped out the bed. Once again, he did the same thing he always did at night.

The small Russian soon then found himself staring up at a massive and familiar library. This time, he couldn't wipe the goofy smile off his face despite his newfound dislike towards his smile.

He waddled his way into the library, his puffy coat did him no justice as it made it harder for him to walk properly.

His large eyes traveled through the library to see where his Бабушка was as he shut the door behind him carefully.

"Бабушка? Где ты (Where are you)?" Russia spoke quietly, though his voice echoed, making him slightly cringe.

"Сюда, мой внук (over here my grandson)," a cheerful voice called to him. Russia walked down the pathways before finally finding her near an isolated table by a fireplace with her back facing him.

Russia giggled and ran up to her to hug her. Unfortunately for him, the growth spurt had not occurred yet and he was smaller than most children his age. Therefore, his head could only reach her thighs, which made hugging complicated but she did not seem to mind.

The lady smiled down at Russia. "У меня есть для вас подарок (I have a present for you)."

Russia's eyes instantly sparkled with joy. "Правда?! Что за подарок (Really?! What kind of gift)?" He tugged at her shirt as he bounced from one foot to another.

His question was soon answered as she turned to fully face him. A beautiful matryoshka doll was gently held in her hands. The doll had a resemblance to a bear.

The lady was quite good at painting, there was no doubt that the doll caught Russia's gray eyes that still held its innocence despite being cared for by an unforgiving father.

He grinned widely and reached out to grab it. However, he never touched the doll and never would.

A red hand snatched it away before either of them could stop it.

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