Japan, the mastermind

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Bon appétit, here's a chapter to munch on until the next one my dear readers! And Sorry for the long wait :,)

+Rushed rereading.


^ Third POV ^

Poland groaned in annoyance. "We've been at this for days, Germany. Days!!" He complained, falling face-first into the hotel's mattress.

Germany scoffed, "Don't be so dramatic, it hasn't even been that long. Or has it?" The German paused and looked at the clock on the wall like it would help him figure out what day it was.

He gave up on the clock in barely two seconds and went back to his map.

They were in a small hotel room. The door led into the room itself, quite literally. There was a bed smack dead in the center of the room, facing the door. To the left, there was a small kitchen that seemed almost claustrophobic looking.

To the right was a couch for two people and a coffee table in front of it, with an old yet modern TV perched atop a smaller table.

This hotel was not made to live in for more than a week but thankfully Poland and Germany weren't planning to stay for long. After they heard voices from their earpieces yesterday, they were restless.

They tried to contact the others but the connection between them was quickly snapped, sadly enough.

Instead, they tried contacting the organizations. And it worked, sorta. It was fairly hard to understand any of them but they did give some useful information.

Five words were given before the connection with the organizations was no longer. "Canada to Europe. Meet up." Simple, but Germany did not think it was as simple as Poland thought it was.

Poland stared up at the ceiling with great boredom. Being cooped up in this cramped hotel room with nothing entertaining was certainly killing Poland slowly, or so he thought it was.

"Come on, why don't we walk around? Please? Anything?" Poland begged. Although, talking to Germany while he was 'in the zone' was like talking to a brick wall. Annoying.

The Polish man's eye twitched with irritation. He got up swiftly and strolled to the door, ready to take his leave for the first time In what felt like forever.

"Wait, Polen."

Poland glanced a Germany who had a winning smile on his face. Germany said, "We should take a train, to get closer to the west." They weren't sure where their friends would be landing but they assumed somewhere closer to the western part of Germany.

Berlin was closer to the east. Which is not where they wanted to be. Therefore, Germany decided that a little train ride wouldn't hurt to get at least somewhat closer to the west.

Poland's shoulders sagged in relief, "And here I thought I'd have to ditch you."

Germany gave a halfhearted glare before he scooped up the map and tucked it under his belt. "Let's go, I know a train route that'll lead us to the west."

Poland beamed a smile, "Lead the way, sir!" He joked, doing a fake salute.

. . .

Poland made sure to hug each of his friends with glee. Germany only opted to give them a warm smile.

It was early in the morning—the next day—bright and early at 7:45 AM (07:45) to be exact. And the gang was finally back together.

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