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I love looking at some of y'all's rusame books if you have them published, I have read a few, on my other account that is.

EDITED: July 6, 2023.


^ Japan's POV ^

I was sitting next to AU while she was reading a book that will help me activate my power. She said that WHO has given every organization a book, however, it still might take us more than one day to activate everyone's power.

Me and the other countries have just a few days left of this until we move on to combat.. that's going to be awful because I am not that great at combat. But I can always try and hope for the best!

"Alright, listen up," AU said.  I perked up and focused my full attention on AU. "For beginners, it says that you must see an animal in front of you to be able to change into it. When you change into the animal in front of you, you change into them completely and look exactly like them. Over time you'll be able to change into an animal without looking at one. I will be adding a cat into the room, I'll be right back," AU told me as she got up. She left the room to look for a cat, I did not know the organizations had pets... I have never seen any in this building before.

Perhaps the pets are in a different room that nobody is allowed in because they are afraid someone will hurt the animals? That sounds reasonable.

I heard the door open and turned to look at AU who was holding a Siamese cat in her arms. I gasped in adoration, it looked to be a baby. "This is Sam the cat, we usually call her Sammy. Considering that she's young and healthy, you shouldn't have a hard time transforming into her," AU gave me a warm smile and gave Sammy to me. I gave Sammy a big hug, she didn't fight back so I guess she likes hugs. "Sammy likes attention if you couldn't tell already," AU laughed and I giggled while looking at Sammy, her tail was curled around my arm.

"Welp.. time to transform! I'll read it step by step and you can follow," AU said, grabbing the book and flipping the pages. I nodded and stood up, I did not want to let go of Sammy just yet so I held her tightly in my arms.

"Step one: You must have to touch the animal in some way as a beginner until you master your power more. And even poking the animal a little counts."

Sammy was already in my arms, looks like I did step one unintentionally! Hopefully, the next steps are as easy as this one.

"Step two: If you have an animal bigger than you, stand tall. But if you have an animal smaller than you, sit or squat.

I sat down on the floor, I was afraid if I sat on the couch it would mess things up. It seemed like I made a good decision since AU flashed me a smile.

"Step three: Have the animal close to you, but not in your arms or lap. The limit of how far the animal can be is six feet."

With a frown, I placed Sammy down in front of me. She looked a little betrayed but soon snuggled up on me by my legs. I took that as her forgiveness.

"Step four: Take a good look at the animal, look at its features until it is rememberable. Do be sure to take your time on this step, going too fast can mess things up very badly."

I looked at Sammy. She was definitely a pretty cat! She had a slim body but looked well-fed, her fur was easily recognizable, her eyes were bright blue and she also had sharp teeth. I saw her teeth when she yawned, she's a very sleepy and cuddly cat. I looked at every little detail about her, I had to get this right or things won't go as planned.

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