All powers activated

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New chapter!! Hope you all enjoy :))

EDITED: July 6, 2023.


^ ROA's POV (Third POV) ^

"Ma'am, another building has been established, just like you asked," A deep voice said, no doubt that this was a man speaking. "Good job.. now, have you heard anything about the organizations?" A female asked. "No ma'am." The woman smiled, "Great. you can go, Ancient Egypt." The man bowed before swiftly leaving his boss's office.

The woman stood up and started walking to a window, the window showed off all she had worked for.. or shall I say, destroyed. "These stupid mortals.. so easy to kill, easy prey. I can not wait for a new challenge... I guess I have to wait for them to come and find me," She scraped her long, black nails against the glass, making a high-pitched sound and leaving a mark.

"Just wait my grandson, I will be with you again.." She smiled fondly, "Everything will be back to normal, with you by my side." She could not wait to see her grandson again, after many years of being separated from him.

You may be wondering who is this woman and who the hell is her grandson, huh? Sadly that first one will not be announced until later on, but her grandson is among the six countries...

She has been doing all of this to get her grandson back, and when she found out that he was one of the six countries, she was over the moon with joy. All she had to do was kill his little friends and then she could be with her grandson whom she adored so dearly. She was not going to marry her grandson or anything if that's what you're thinking. She wants it to be like old times, she also wants to be the ONLY person he loves in his life. Nobody else. like all those years ago.

Last time, she was separated from her grandson because of some... issues with her "mistake" of a son.

The woman was so excited to see her grandson again, sure, she's gone a little insane over the years but that wouldn't stop things from going to normal again, right? Her grandson had to still love her, right?


Ancient Egypt huffed in annoyance. The human he was just with was hard to kill, that human kicked him where the sun don't shine. Now it still hurts. However, he could not be seen as weak no matter how bad he wanted to collapse to the ground and stay there. His boss would kill him on the spot if she saw him doing that, it was too big of a risk.

So instead of doing what he wanted to do right then and there, he went to his side of the palace.

ROA set up a huge palace that was separated into three sections. The right side of the palace was Ancient Egypt's side, the left side was his friend's side, and the middle—the one with the most area—was his boss's part of the palace.

Occasionally, the three members would cross over to another side to talk about basically anything and everything. It was mostly just Ancient Egypt and his friend that did the crossing, their boss usually stayed cooped up in her office while rambling about her grandson like some madwoman. Which she probably was.

Ancient Egypt did not like the violence that went on daily, but he had no choice, and neither did his friend. Both of them were brought back to life and controlled to be little puppets that served their boss. If they did not follow orders, they would be put to death, very painfully.

How are they alive? Well, let's just say the devil brought them back with the help of her new power. How fun, now they have powers too. Can you guess what powers they all have?

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