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TW: Death and torturing.

Poland is all in this chapter!

I was not going to post today due to issues but this chapter was just sitting in my draft and I love this book because of how happy it makes me so I posted anyway.

EDITED: July 6, 2023.


^ Poland's POV ^

"-Right, all we have to do is control your emotions," UN told me. UN explained how I needed to control my emotions to control my power. My power will activate when I feel a strong emotion, that's what UN said and I am totally not doubting him . . . Who am I kidding?! This is ridiculous, why is my power controlled by my emotions? This is completely idiotic in my opinion.

I sighed, slightly frustrated, "UN.. how am I supposed to control my emotions? You know I don't do well with that!" UN only hummed with a blank face making me more furious. Me and him started to go back and forth, his unbothered tone was disturbing. It felt like he was trying to test something, and if it was me that he was trying to test, I will give him hell.

UN knitted his eyebrows, "What's something that still makes you angry today? Not 'I dropped my ice cream and now I'm angry' type thing, something that still makes you angry and you will never forget about it." I stared at UN in disbelief, he wanted me to be angry. Why? "UN why is this even—" I was cut off before I could finish my sentence. "Just tell me Poland, relive the day you felt absolutely furious.." I went through all the times I was angry but tensed when I thought of a certain memory, something that made my blood boil with hatred. "Fine, I'll start from the very beginning of my life, get comfortable."

——Poland's past——
^ Third POV ^

Many centuries ago, Poland and many other countries were born. It was the Old Countryhuman Universe, one where 'humans' that had no eyes and their countries' flags on their skin walked around. Some of these 'humans' were forced to work with the Countryhumans themselves.

Though these 'humans' wouldn't last long due to the monsters who destroyed everything in their path and wanted nothing but power... we won't talk about that until later.

The day Poland came alive was a wonderful day for everyone in his family, his mother was The Second Polish Republic but was known as—and called—the Republic of Poland at the time. His father was unknown to him, Poland's mother said that his father was once a nice man but soon became evil to the point she cut ties with him completely.

Poland did not mind the fact he had never seen his father, if His mother said he was a bad man, then he was a bad man. Simple as that. Poland never pushed his mother to talk, Poland loved his mother a lot and was grateful to have her as a guardian.

From day one Poland's mother spoiled him with gifts, anything Poland wanted she would give it to him. Though for a spoiled child-like Poland, he never asked for much. Poland never liked to ask for things, when he did, it felt unnatural to him. Soon enough he figured out a way to get what he wanted without asking, he could express his emotions in a certain way. Every time Poland saw something he liked he would get super happy to show that he wanted it, when his mother offered it to him, Poland would immediately say yes.

Republic of Poland never understood why her son wouldn't ask for things but she did not push and allowed him to express his emotions the way he wanted to.

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