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TW: Death & Gore-ish elements.

How was everyone's Halloween?


^ Third POV ^

Japan sulked in her seat. America only looked at her with a blank face, "You're being dramatic. I woke both of you up at 5:30 AM (05:30)."

All three of them were in an airplane, high in the sky. This morning America ripped them out of bed and shouted at them to hurry and get ready or else they'll be late for the flight to Canada.

America was in the middle seat, Russia was to his left, and Japan was to his right. He was salty she got the window seat but he got over it quickly.

Japan huffed, "Yeah, and then you rushed us to get ready for a flight that we had no idea we were going on!"

America said, "If you're so tired why don't you go back to sleep? Russia over here is already gone." Russia was currently snuggled up to America as close as the seats would allow. America was like a sun. Always warm.

The American didn't seem to mind Russia doing this, though there was a small tint of red on his cheeks.

Japan paid it no mind. "Hmph, maybe I will!" She grumbled before grabbing the unsuspecting American's arm and laying her head on it.

"Wha—oh come on! Both of you are going to sleep on me for the whole flight?" America asked in exasperation. The thought of being a pillow for two people sounded uncomfortable.

Especially when they held onto you like you were a large stuffed bear.

"Quiet, I'm trying to sleep..." She shushed him, already feeling more drowsy. America let out a quiet sigh of despair. This was going to be an extra long flight for him, it seemed.

America guessed from his internal clock that it should be around 6:45 AM (06:45). The plane didn't lift off that long ago. They would finally land around 4:00 PM (16:00) or later.

Six or so hours of this, letting them sleep on him. He was not the guy to like being squished between two people like this, alas, it was too late to back out now.

Japan had fallen asleep and snoring could be heard from her and Russia.


South Korea blankly stared out the window as the sweet taste of the Iced Americano slid down his throat with each sip.

Regardless of the weather, Iced Americano was his top choice. He remembered when his mother was still alive, she would make it for him and his brother a lot.

Korea. That was what she was usually called. She always made the best tea or coffee around. South Korea could remember her letting guests in for a cup of tea or coffee.

She gave in to things too easily, and that was what led to her downfall. She let the Japanese empire in her home out of kindness and fear.


Korea hummed a tune and she pranced around the kitchen, stirring up some tea for her two sons who were peacefully playing in the other room.

All was going well, that is until a loud knock came from the door.

"I'll get it," She called before the Korean brothers could react to it. Albeit, they were curious, therefore they went to go check as well.

When the two boys got there, they frowned. Though Korea had on a smile, her sons could easily tell she was uneasy. Such as shame they couldn't see who was at the door, her body made sure to purposely cover up the whole door.

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