Bloody Gift

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My favorite show, sweet tooth, has a new season! I have been watching it almost all day, it's a little addicting.

EDITED: July 6, 2023.


^ WHO's POV ^

I woke up pretty early, maybe 4:12 AM (04:12)? I absolutely did NOT want to get up but I had to look at the lab and so did AU. She was not happy about waking up to water in her face but I had no choice! She would not wake up so I had to take drastic measures.

Currently, we were looking around the lab after we had the whole 'I will kill you' stare down just a few minutes ago.

"Huh.. WHO come look at this." I hurried over to where AU was bending down at which was in a corner, she pointed at a.. necklace of some sort? I could not see what it was fully since it was faced the other way and it was hidden in the corner. There was also a note attached to it. I hummed and put my gloves on to pull it out and see what it was clearly. when I pulled the item out of the corner, me and AU screamed at the top of our lungs. I instantly dropped it on the floor.

It wasn't a normal necklace, it had real teeth surrounding an eye that looked to be attached to human skin and a note. Every part was covered in what I assume is human blood.

"Ohmygod.. how long do you think THAT has been in here..?" My voice shook with fear, sure, I've seen worse things but I just know for a fact the unknown force did this. The only reason I'm scared out of my mind is that we don't even know who this unknown force is or what they're capable of.. well, the 'necklace' gives me a hint.

"I.. don't know.." AU stared at it in disbelief. Mine and AU's breath was uneven, this was not what we were expecting to see. "That is so disgusting." I could not agree with AU more, this was horrific and downright disgusting.

"WHAT HAPPENED." Me and AU jumped and almost screamed again before we saw that it was a panicked UN. We both let out a shaky sigh and pointed at the thing on the floor. UN moved towards it to take a better look and once he did, I could hear him mumble something under his breath. I couldn't make out much but this was all I heard: "Damnit . . . Unknown force . . . Late." I looked at UN in confusion, I wish I could've heard all he said but that was impossible because of how quiet he spoke.

"WHO, gloves." I knew what he wanted and ripped out two gloves from my pocket, I handed them to him and he put them on quickly. UN pulled on the note to see if it would come off and it seemed to stick to the skin. With a huff, he pulled harder until it finally came off. He opened the letter and started reading it out loud so we could hear it.

"Dear Organizations, do you like our surprise? We made it just for you. I wonder how long it took you to see this note and gift.. oh well. Since you don't know who we are, you can call us Rulers Of All, or ROA for short. And for a little hint on who we are, Remember the letters T.E.G. We shall rule the human world and make them suffer until they agree to our little game. Farewell."

"T.E.G? Little game? What the hell?!" AU yelled in frustration. I looked down and tried to think of any more clues but it was too confusing for me. "We will have to keep this just in case.. I'll find a place for it," UN said while shaking his head slightly, he folded the paper back and picked up the "gift" to inspect it. My eyes widened, did they miss the most important part? "Hey, it said 'we' and 'our'! That means it's more than one person." AU gasped and UN nodded. AU looked more surprised than UN, maybe he already realized but didn't comment.

"Yes, and this skin looks fresh. No way could it have stayed in here long." I took a deep breath, UN was right. It looked like a fresh cut, and the blood was not dry whatsoever.

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