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Thank you for reading my book!!<3
And I want to say I am very honored to see my book on some of your reading lists.

Number two in Poland? how lovely. Maybe I need to write a whole chapter about Poland soon.

If you see any spelling mistakes in this chapter, no you didn't...

EDITED: Oct 24, 2023


^ America's POV ^

It was 5:00 (05:00) in the morning and I was sitting outside on a chair while doing paperwork that I forgot to do last night. Why did I have to be so tired last night? Doing work is the least of what I want to do early in the morning. I should have done it sooner and just finished it when I had the chance but no, I had to be lazy.

However, I was extremely tired from getting home late for the second time this week. I would have probably fallen asleep before I could write a word. I guess it was a slightly good idea to let myself go to sleep instead of doing work.


Poland, Germany, and Russia walked to the park while I drove my car here so I offered to bring them to their own homes with my car.

They tried to protest but I was not having it whatsoever, it was night and they could secretly get kidnapped, I was not going to let that happen. I cared for them too much.. and I didn't want to get accused of murder if they did get killed.

"Come on, if you guys die then I'll be a suspect because I would be the last person you were with and I don't want to be accused of murder." They all laughed.

"What if we get murdered in our own house? Then you will also be a suspect."

Russia proved a good point. Either way was not good. They all started to list off the ways I could become a suspect, I just shook my head and ignored them. I would rather not think about what would happen if they died in their own homes or died in general.

It's almost like they want to die just so I'll be a suspect and possibly go to jail, how 'nice' of them. I mean, why not die so your friend can be a suspect, who wouldn't do that? Apparently, my friends would do it without a doubt.


I came back to my house at 10:30 PM (22:30). I placed my keys on a table and walked to my room, I was exhausted after all the walking and socializing. I'm seen as a very talkative country which is true but after I'm done and finally able to get to be alone it feels like I'm on my deathbed.

I flopped on my bed and instantly fell asleep. I had undone paperwork but I couldn't care less, I would just have to do it early in the morning. My future self will probably hate me but oh well, that's too bad.


Today there was also a meeting from what I was told. I got a message from NATO when I was in the store a few days ago, he said it was something really important but I'm not allowed to tell anyone that it is just in case countries start freaking out.

What was so important? I have no clue. NATO did seem stressed while talking to me about it so I assume it's something more serious than what most would think.

I looked down at my paper, I was done. I checked over a few words I wrote and thought it was good enough. I did not try my best on it, I know about global warming and other issues. I don't need to read a shitty packet about something I already know about. Why am I even doing this? I thought I graduated from school years ago.

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