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TW: mentions of self-harm (?).

Another chapter with some fluff-ish stuff, and there is a reason I'm adding a lot of fluff chapters.

EDITED: July 6, 2023.


^ America's POV ^

I woke up after being asleep for hours and felt my face buried into something, I pushed myself away to see what it was. I could feel my face start to heat up once I saw that it was Russia, did I really sleep that close to him? That's probably why I was so comfortable too.

With a sigh, I got out of bed while being careful not to disturb Russia's sleep and walked to the closet full of clothes. I picked out a black shirt that hugged my upper body perfectly, boxers, and very dark grey sweatpants, I decided to play it safe considering I'll probably have to do push-ups, running, sit-ups, and other things NATO requests me to do.

It's nothing I can't handle but is it really necessary to throw a chair at me? I think NATO is just trying to test my limits. He better be careful, he can only go so far.

I glanced at Russia before going to the bathroom, I still had many unanswered questions for that man. Though he probably wants to ask me more questions, which none will be answered until I know for certain he won't leave me.

It was really sweet of him to help me sleep and it was also funny to see him sigh in defeat once I pinned him last night, I felt a smile creep up on my lips. I haven't had this type of entertainment in quite a while, the last time it was with Japan.

Me and Japan are great friends. It was a challenge trying to know one another—because of the fact I killed her father—but when we did become friends it was interesting. We would stay up all night and talk about random things that came to our minds, and every few seconds the topic would change drastically. I could not stay on one topic for long unless it was highly serious, Japan just liked keeping the conversation alive and going so it was a win-win.

Japan knows a lot about me and I know a lot about her, most of the information was achieved from our.. past situation... God, why did we ever think it would work out like that? Stupidly.

After remembering some weird memories I turned on the water and took off my clothes to get in the shower. When the warm water hit my skin I hummed contently, I always liked taking showers but not as much as I loved looking outside.

Nothing would be better than relaxing outside on a chair at the crack of dawn, for now. I might find something more interesting in the future.

^ Russia's POV ^

I groaned as soon as my eyes opened, why am I so tired? I sat up and looked at the clock to see it was 5:23 AM (05:23), of course, I was tired, it was so early. I wonder if I should go back to sleep.. but I know America would kill me if he found out that I woke up and then fell back asleep—where even is that American? I swear he was sleeping right next to me, he could not have gone that far.

I grabbed my headphones out of the nightstand and placed them on my head, once I did that I stood up. I was going to walk to the kitchen to see if America was there but just as I was about to do that, I heard the sound of water coming from the bathroom, he was probably in there.

Since I figured out where he was, I decided to make a new 'Mission' for myself, make breakfast. I have never seen America cook, but I'm assuming that's because he's awful at it. Every time America is in the kitchen it seems like he has no clue what he's trying to do or get. America is like a child trying to find himself out of a maze when he's in the kitchen. I might have to give him cooking lessons, that would be fun, wouldn't it be?

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