Handmade gift

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Rusame fluff is coming your way ;)

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"Are you serious?" Poland couldn't believe what he was hearing.

Japan gave a quick nod. "Yeah. He told me not too long ago, a few minutes before you came to see me."

"Wow. And to think I thought it was one-sided..." Poland murmured as his brain shifted gears.

Japan cocked her head. "One-sided? What are you talking about?"

Poland sighed, "I think America likes Russia or at least feels some type of way about him." He swiftly puts his hand up to continue, "But, that's just a hunch I have. I'm not sure if I'm correct."

The Japanese lady tunelessly hummed in thought. This was getting much more deeper, and interesting. She hadn't thought of the possibility of America liking Russia.

Poland leaned back onto the couch and said, "It's something I've been gathering. America instantly turns to Russia when he wants to talk, and when Russia isn't there he seems somewhat less enthusiastic to talk about what he wants to say, I would go as far as saying he looks upset when Russia's not there."

He continues, "Now this might be because Ame has been around him for a while and I might be reading into this too much but I swear he has a whole different attitude towards Rus than he had before when we were hanging out at the park."

Japan absorbed the information like a sponge. "Right... I've noticed something slightly different about Ame since they went to the restaurant together and it's only been steadily growing up until now," She replied.

Both went quiet as they thought back to see anything that might've been 'suspicious' behavior.

Poland then suddenly beamed. "Wait, I remember you said that Ame was talking to you privately on the plane almost the whole time. What were you two talking about?"

"Don't spoil this to anyone. However, he said that Russia got angry at him for something—he won't tell what—and now he's thinking of giving a gift of the sort as an apology," Japan responded, recalling back to the convo they had.

The Polish furrowed his brows. "Really? He never gives apology gifts, or never had until now I guess," he muttered. "Though I can't deny how sweet that is of him. Has he thought of anything yet?" He asked.

Japan shrugged. "I'm not sure. He didn't say much about what it would be. I think he is keeping it a complete secret."

Poland sighed dramatically. "Typical for him." He would've loved to know what the gift was going to be, perhaps he'll find out later.

"Meri!" Russia yelled in a sing-song tone.

America jolted and spun around to see a cheery Russian walking towards him. Currently, he was in the lobby and messing around with things as he had nothing better to do. Now that Russia was here, maybe he won't be so bored!

"Ruski? What's made you so happy?" America inquired with a smile.

Russia stopped right in front of him. "Japan, nothing to worry too much over," he answered simply, not wanting to go into detail. America took the hint not to ask further but he couldn't help but feel a small hint of annoyance at the mention of her name much to his confusion.

Russia didn't take notice of America's attitude change and instead broke out a smile. A mischievous smile.

America ignored the weird feeling and raised a brow, Suddenly feeling nervous for his well-being. Was Russia trying to get back at him?

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