A lot can happen in two days

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TW: Gore (?), Kidnapping, lots of strong language.

Forgive me for this<3


^ Third POV ^

...Days passed. Two. Days.

Blood spilled out of his mouth like a river. His body ached from the endless punches he endured, again and again. And he had almost a broken nose along with dried blood on it.


Russia opened his eyes with a yawn. He confusingly sat up in a daze before realizing he must've fallen asleep out of boredom since he had nothing to do besides sleep.

Maybe America was right, maybe he did need rest. Not that Russia was super surprised about that, he had the worst sleep schedule imaginable. The only time he got good rest was back at The Great Building.

He threw off the covers and stood up, the second he did that a headache slapped him in the face at full force, almost causing him to fall over.

Albeit, He had to slightly lean to the dresser until he gained more strength to continue his walk out the door.

Russia wondered where America was as his side of the bed looked untouched. He went out of the bedroom to see if he was somewhere else.

He did remember America saying that he'd be in the living room. Russia checked there first and to his amusement, America wasn't lying about staying in the living room.

America had his back on the couch as he lay there, asleep, when one arm dangling off and the other over his stomach. And his sunglasses weren't there, surprisingly. Instead, his sunglasses were on the coffee table.

Russia felt compelled to wake him up just to see his eyes and understand what Japan was yapping about when she recalled the time she saw his eyes.

But he decided to not wake the sleeping man, as that would be cruel and he'd rather America show him his eyes willingly.

Russia had an idea of why America wore his sunglasses, he sorted it together with some possible past trauma America might've gone through as a child.

Like how Russia doesn't like his smile much due to the fact Soviet would say how ugly it was when he was only a child. Perhaps America had gone through something similar when it came to his eyes.

Or perhaps he was one of those people who hid their emotions because of habit.

Many countries hid their eyes, it wasn't something you'd be surprised to see. Some countries hid their emotions because back when they were at war and such it was best not to show emotion and so it soon became a habit for them.

The more Russia thought about this, the more he began to think it was a mix of both. Yet he couldn't be too sure, he'd have to have America confirm it once he trusted Russia more.

Russia wasn't sure how far America's trust in him went, but he didn't think it was as far as to say why he hid his eyes. Everyone has that one or few topic(s) you don't want to talk about, however, when you're with that one person, you feel as if you could trust them with such information.

Albeit, trust takes time to develop. Good thing Russia is more than happy to patiently wait for trust.

The Russian strolled away from America and into the kitchen, though when he saw the spot where he realized something grave not too long ago, he froze. All the thoughts that were forgotten came rushing back like a title wave with no mercy.

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