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"Ladies, come on ! Let's work on those teeth. More Scowl !  This kitty is taking no prisoners. If Bianca Barclay wins again this year I will literally scratch my own eyes out"

"Wednesday would pay money to see that" Angel laughs while painting.

"Angel is right" they hear the raven girl. Their attention shifts to her stiff posture.

Angel gets up, feeling something in her stomach and hearing her heart beating heavily. Wednesday feels calmer now with her presence. Principal Weems just offended her. She prefers being sharp-edged.

The werewolf approaches her hopping, followed by the hybrid. 

"Howdy, roomie ! I'm so glad you decided to stay"

"I thought you wanted your single room back" her arms still crossed and Angel can't take her eyes off her. 

"Full disclosure, I don't like living solo plus Thing gives a killer neck massage. It's a win-win" Enid just told her about the massage and she wants to try it too. "So... why the change of heart ?"

Wednesday looks for a second into her favorite storm eyes, making the girl blush.

"I refuse to play the role of a pawn in someone else's corrupt game"

"You mean Rowan ?" she mocks.

"We witnessed his murder Enid" talks Angel. She knows that no one trusts them, they are the only one who saw what happened.

The werewolf sighs and rests her hand on the blonde's head. Something she always does.

"It's just, we all saw him this morning. Very much, like, not dead" at the same time she is afraid to debate with the gothic girl.

"I know, which leads me to believe we've been loosing our minds" she looks down irritated. "it's not nearly as fun as I anticipated. You're Nevermore's gossip queen. What's Rowan story ?"

Enid thinks. "Only than being a weird loner... Uh... No offense" Angel frowns at her.

"None taken" 

"Xavier Thorpe's his roommate. If you had a cellphone, you could just text him and ask him"

Hearing that name she nearly rolled her eyes. She hates people, but she hates him the most... well maybe she doesn't hate everyone.

"I can talk to him" blurts Angel. "When I finish music class he always passes through the same hall-" she shrugs. "No" stops Wednesday.

Now all the attention is on her. Maybe she was too eager to stop the small one. She will scratch his eyes out if he keeps looking at the blonde in that way. 

"I'll talk to him" commands. Angel is confused, but hearing her now more serious tone, she can't argue. She would do whatever she says.

Enid looks behind at her canoe.

"Yoko. Come on ! Flare those whiskers. The Poe Cup droops for no one"

The blonde gives Wednesday an amused look, making her almost smile in return. Almost.

"What is the Poe Cup anyway ?"

"Only her entire reason for living right now. Part canoe race, part foot chase, no rules. Each dorm has to pick an Edgar Allan Poe short story for inspiration" explains Angel. She is part of the team.

"You could grab a brush" continues Enid. 

She blushes a little and looks down. She would really like spending time with Wednesday, but she knows that she will never accept.

"Ms. Tornhill's just ordered pizza. Want to take a stab at being social ?"

Her grey's eyes are full of hope, but Wednesday hates socializing, even if she doesn't fully dislike the idea, just to spend time with her.

"I do like stabbing. The social part, not so much" Angel giggles at her reaction, imagining her socializing, and the gothic girl is again proud of being her the cause. 

However, that scares her. This is not the first time and she's never experienced something like that. She is growing a crush on the little one ? It's impossible. She's known her for few days... but whenever she sees Angel, she feels overwhelmed with emotions. Her smile with the little fangs, her gentle eyes that conceal something dangerous, her being sweet and innocent, her beautiful blonde locks, her laugh, how she scrunches her nose when something bothers her, how she slightly moves her head when listening to music...

"Besides, it'll cut into my writing time"

"No worries" answers sweetly Enid. "Just as long as you're lakeside cheering with us to victory on race day" her voice going higher because excitement.

Wednesday sulks at her.

"Or you can just glare uncomfortably. Whatever works for you" She thinks, trying to save the situation.

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