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Angel's pov:

I hold my jacket to prevent us to get even more soaked. Of course it started to rain. I start to get worry as Wednesday's vision lasts more than the others I saw. Her beautiful pale face is tense and sometimes she frowns. 

Thing tap on her shoulder. "I'm worried too" I murmur.

Few seconds after a loud gasp escapes her lips and she stands up, Thing flying away. She immediately looks into my eyes. "Angel, Thing, I saw her ! The girl from my visions. Her name is Goody Addams and I believe she's my ancestor from 400 years ago" her voice urgent and shocked "and..." she doesn't finish as an emotion I've never seen in her eyes appears. Pain.

"What happened ?" I cup her hand and she closes her eyes taking a big breath. She doesn't answer. 

"You're soaked" I giggle a bit as she stands up offering me her hand. "Well, you too". She takes off her jacket and puts her arm around my shoulder, trying to cover us more. 

However, before we can take a step, I hear sounds and smell something I've already experienced one day. "The monster is here" We look into each others eyes tensing. I get my claws out and stand in front of her, even if she protests. I decide to look around from a crack on the wall but all of a sudden its huge and creepy eye appears. We jump a bit back and I get ready to defend us if it decides to attack. It just stares at us and with a growl surprisingly decides to leave us.

What do we do then ? We chase the monster. My mind lecturing me for not drinking blood today. We follow its steps under the rain. The monster completely disappeared. 

Fortunately we see his footprints on the wet ground... That transform then into human foot. "The monster is human" surprise written on our faces. I kneel down trying to smell something, even if the rain makes it difficult.

"What the hell are you doing ?" I frown suspiciously before turning at Xavier. Wednesday seems to think the same. 

"We were following the monster" she states coldly. Why is he here ? 

"You saw it ? It's here ? Do you have a death wish or something ?" His eyes wide in worry towards me. 

"What exactly are you doing here ?" she asks a bit rude.

"I overheard you say you were checking out the old meeting house. Guess it's lucky I showed up when I did" He explain while coming towards us and covering from the rain with his umbrella. 

"We did learn one thing. The monster is human" I say still surprised. "Its tracks turned from monster prints to human ones" she continue. "Show me" 

Disappointment comes when the prints are no longer visible. I sigh sadly. "The rain washed them all away" Wednesday frowns.

Xavier scoffs and I look at him frustrated. "We know what we saw". He puts his hand on my shoulder and I tense a bit looking away, not liking physical touch from someone. Except from Enid, Thing and of course Wednesday. 

"I'm trying to keep an open mind" Wednesday takes abruptly from his hand his umbrella and circle my waist walking ahead and leaving him behind. "How big of you" She sends him a death glare.

However, Xavier follows us. "I do think you might be right about Rowan"

"Why the sudden change of heart ?" My partner asks while I relax thanks to her coldness.

"I texted him again today. I said maybe we could meet over spring break and go snowboarding like we did last year. This time he texted me right back, said he wouldn't be able to make it"

"Only you never went snowboarding last year" He nods.

"Part of me wanted to blame his recent weirdness. I didn't want to think something bad had happened" He shrugs a bit uncomfortable.

"The cover-up is always worse than the crime" She strokes my side as I get a cold shiver from the wind.

"Now I need you to be honest with me" He stops us and we look at him. "Why'd you come out to the old meeting in the first place ?" his question is for Wednesday.

She hesitates for a moment, not wanting to explain. "I was trying to learn more about Crackstone. Figure out how he's connected to this" Her face blank, but I know she didn't like his question.

"Yeah, you were trying to use your psychic abilities, right ?" He smirks and Wednesday's hand grip tightly my uniform. 

"What makes you think I have any ?" But her voice betrays her.

"Lucky guess. When did they start ?" He is so proud he find it out while I look concerned at Wednesday. She raises her chin, then start walking again muttering they started a year ago.

"You can't control it and that freaks you out, right ?" I touch her hand trying to comfort her. Few days ago she talked to me about that. They freak her out. Well, she didn't tell me like that, she said it in her way. Mostly, she's afraid of what will happen and why it'll happen because of her. "My dad is a psychic" 

"Vincent Thorpe" I state while she remain silent, clearly bothered now. I know she doesn't like him and I think now she dislike him more.

He looks at me smiling then again at her. I grind my teeth. It's like he enjoys bothering her. "So I've lived with a self-described master. The first thing he'll tell you is that visions can't be trusted. They only show you one part of the picture"

She stops irritated. "I saw Joseph Crackstone in front of me as clearly as I'm seeing you and Angel now. He gathered all the outcasts in the meeting house and burned them alive" I freeze not expecting that. She'll tell me the detail later.

"Okay, he was a sadistic asshole. So what ? It was 400 years ago. It's got nothing to do with now" For a moment she looks down and the same pain I saw earlier in her eyes appears for just a second, only me noticing this. She rapidly looks up at him. "But what if it does ? You saw Rowan's drawing. Crackstone was standing in the quad" 

"You're creating a story in your head and using visions to back it up. They are telling you what you want to see" I frown, not liking the way he talks to her. "Are you mansplaining my power ?"

He smiles again. "All I'm saying is my dad, the expert, would warn you that psychic ability isn't rooted in logic. It's triggered by emotions" He looks at me expecting I'm on his side and smirks. I'm clearly not. "And let's be honest, emotion isn't your strong suit" I send him a warning look and he stops smiling. I open my mouth to defend Wednesday but she turns me by my waist to walk away from him.

"Don't waste your breath" She squeezes me closer. I look up at her, still bothered. "I don't like the way he talked to you" I blush as I see how she tries to hide her smirk. She looks beautiful with wet hair too. She kisses my cheek and my anger disappears. "I care about very few things, mi hermosa, and he is not one of those" 

However, we can't keep talking as in front of us a brunette is waiting against a tree. 

"Hello again little sister"

My WednesdayTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon