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Wednesday goes to Enid, who's painting her canoe.  A sensation similar to anxiety is following her. Angel didn't say yes. She expected to hear it, but all she heard was "I'll think about it". So now, after she talk with the she wolf, she'll go to her room to take her... or maybe not.

"I have to get back to the woods with Angel, but Weems has been watching me like a vulture circling a carcass" she talks observing the students around her being happy. Such an horror sight.

"And you want me to cover so that you can return to the scene of a crime that didn't happen ?" Enid teases her. "Plus, Angel didn't say yes"

Wednesday just glares at her. She wants Angel because they saw the same thing and... because she wants her. They'll have some time alone and maybe she could be forgiven. Somehow.

"I have beekeeping club this afternoon. I need you as decoy"

Enid grimaces. "Sorry. Two strikes. I'm busy and bees totally creep me out. Why don't you ask Thing ? Oh wait, you can't because he's mad at you"

The gothic girl doesn't understand and debates. "Why is he mad ? He's the one who screwed up with Rowan"

"All I know is that me and Angel spent an hour with him giving each other manis, and he really opened up. He feels like you don't respect him as a person"

"Well, technically he's only a hand" she mutters.

"Wednesday ! He's your family and he would do anything for you" the emphasis in her voice makes her think. Not expecting that Enid will give her a lecture. 

"Go apologize and I'll reconsider helping you" The wolf offers. "Also stop playing with Angel" she scolds. Her friend didn't say anything, but she knows her. Angel is a bit hurt and confused. She knows how Wednesday keeps leaving her alone after a sweet moment.

"What do you mean ?" Wednesday frowns, feeling guilty.

"I don't know what you want from her. I know that you are the kind of person who would do anything to achieve their goal. So I understand that you take her with you in order to find what happened, if ever happened. But you just look at her in a different way. If you start developing some love interest towards her it's okay for me. However, it seems like you are denying those feelings. You said one time you like to try new things and you aren't afraid to show who you really are and say what you think, so why don't you try to see what would happen if you just do whatever your heart recommend ?" 

Wednesday is speechless. Should she do what her cold heart wants ? Every time she wants to touch her, to be with her, to know her better... she should just do it. Maybe if she won't stop herself she'll understand more all those emotions. Are they love interests ? 

"But" her thoughts are interrupted by the werewolf who sends now a warning look "If your behavior is just a way to take advantage of her, I won't be so nice with you. She is already hurting because her things, she doesn't need something new"

The girls keeps staring at each other and Wednesday looks away defeated.


Angel's pov:

"Ughhh" I can't concentrate on the book. I tried to think about something else. Music doesn't help me a lot this time. 

I can't stop thinking about my sister. She's always liked to play with me, to make me angry or scared, but this time she seemed serious. 

Why is my mother coming back for me ?

The last time I saw her, she told me she doesn't care of me anymore, that if I don't want to follow my evil side I'm useless like my father. All she wanted was me being powerful, a good hybrid, mostly a vampire like her. I tried it one time but it didn't end well and I do everything to not make it happen again.

Sighing I get up. I need to do something, I'll accept Wednesday's offer. I didn't say yes because I'm still disappointed with her. I can't understand her behavior and what she thinks. I thought I'd be able to refuse her, but I would do anything she asks. Such an underneath. So I said "I'll think about it". She helped me with my panic attack and I appreciate it a lot.

Talking of the devil, I start smelling her blood approaching my dorm. Even if I'm upset with her, I can't deny that all of me feels happy to see her again.

After a fast check at the mirror I open the door and there she is, the beauty of beauties.

"Hi" Wednesday says a bit... insecure ?

"Hi" the way her face is stoic and her stare so intense always makes me flustered.

I know she's here to take me to the woods, well to ask if I'm going.

"Did you think ? Do you want to come with me ?" She mutters. She seems shy and now that I'm with her I can't hear the other thoughts. Her presence calms me.

"Yes" I smile at her and I can see how her eyes light up. I can even see a small smile from her and my heart stops for a moment.

"Do I need to take something ?"

She takes my hand to make me exit the room and, after closing the door, she puts her hand on my lower back, guiding me to the woods.

All of this touch makes me blush hard. Oh how much I love the feeling. Her cold hand burning on me.

"I don't need anything else"

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