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Angel closes the door to the greenhouse after she makes her way inside. She instantly hears Wednesday talking... to a plant ?

She sniffs the air and recognizes the hand lotion Thing uses.

She debates if going to her or not. 

Wednesday left her. Again. 

After her panic attack she saw how the worry into Wednesday's eyes shifted to panic. What happened ? She doesn't know. But she can't help but feeling upset and disappointed. Did she cross the line ? She knows that the taller girl doesn't like to relate to people... but she chosed to help her. Why ? And now she is avoiding her. Again.

Sighing, Angel reaches the two, greeting them shyly.

Hearing her voice, Wednesday shuts up and tenses. Her mood now no longer angry towards Thing. 

However, all of this feelings scare her. She wants to know a way to repress them, to make them go away. She's never imagined that one day all of this would happen. That one day a small blonde girl with storm eyes would change her. She doesn't know if avoiding her is better than talking to her. For the first time... she doesn't know what to do. 

"What happened ?" the hybrid asks seeing how Thing sulks, worried about her particular friend.

"He lost Rowan. He lost him in a room with no windows" she reproaches. Wednesday can't look at her, knowing that she will feel bad for letting her alone.

"Oh, but I think he did his best, maybe something happened in that room" she tries to defend him.

"No. A leftie wouldn't have failed me" she crosses her arms.

Thing lowers into the table, clearly wanting to phase through it. Angel doesn't know what to say and sees how he goes away. She'll talk to him later.

"Wednesday wait" Angel calls when the other turns away.

Wednesday clenches her jaw and finally glance at her.

"Are you upset with me ? Did... Did I do something ?" looking down at her hands she doesn't see how the other girl frowns.

"No" it's all she can say. She bites her tongue.

"If it's about what happened... I'm sorry" her eyes are now sad and Wednesday feels so bad. It's not because of that, she will help her any time. In fact, she would do anything so that things won't happen again.

"It won't happen again" Angel now smiles sadly at her. 

When Wednesday finally decides to reply, Mrs. Tornhill tells the student to sit.

She looks at how the smaller girl goes away from her, a forced smile on her face. She notices how she turns up the volume and her heart breaks, knowing it's her fault.

The only thing she wants to do now is hug her, telling that it's the fault of what is happening inside her, but she repress that and looks where to sit.

The only free chair is next to Xavier. Wednesday wants to quit the class today.

Being undecided captures his attention. "There's an open spot next to me. If you can stand sitting that close to an elitist snob" They clearly hate each other.

"What did you do to Angel ?" he asks then, checking at how the blonde draws something casual in the notebook, lost into her music.

Wednesday doesn't reply and listens the professor.

"Wednesday, we're thrilled to have you join us on our journey into the world of carnivorous plants" Angel's grey eyes are now on Mrs. Tornhill. She's never liked her. "Who can tell us the name of this beauty ?" she points to a flower on her desk.

Bianca, like always, is the first one to raise her hand. Angel knows the answer, but she's always been the quiet student. She hates answering in front of everyone, it makes her anxious.

"Dendrophylax lindenii" Wednesday's voice stops Bianca's.

Everyone looks at her surprised.

"Otherwise known as the ghost orchid" the siren not satisfied, tries to add more details.

"First discovered on the Isle of Wight in 1854"

Mrs. Tornhill smiles at the gothic girl. "Very good, Wednesday. Looks like you may have competition for the first chair, Bianca"

Everyone laughs. Even if she's upset, Angel smirks proudly. Her Wednesday is very clever. Wait. Her ?! She mentally slaps herself.

"Wednesday, perhaps you can identify the ghost orchid's greatest qualities" she keeps going. Bianca's superior attitude falls when Wednesday answers correctly.

The two girls keep sending digs to each other by talking about the plant. It's quite funny.

"Are we still talking about flowers ?" Xavier interrupts amused after a bit.

Wednesday's bored face doesn't shift.

"Thank you ladies for those illuminating insights. Clearly the plants aren't the only carnivores in class today" Mrs Tornhill jokes.

When class ends, Angel quickly tries to go away, but ,unexpectedly, she is stopped by the girl of her thoughts.

"I'm going into the woods tomorrow" Wednesday debated a lot if asking her too or not. Maybe it'll be a good chance to speak properly to her. "Do you... want to accompany me ?" she slightly stutters.

My WednesdayTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon