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Angel's pov:

I dance a bit vibing with the song I'm currently fixed today. A song of Labrinth.

I left dinner before everyone. I didn't drink the blood and meat was less than before. I clearly saw the anger behind Wednesday's eyes. I hope she won't really hunt for me. But I can't deny that I imagined her hunting and obviously I blushed. She would be so hit. 

Now I'm in the library searching for a book, a comic or a manga to read. 

I move my head lost in the song, so lost that I don't sense Wednesday's presence, thinking she's still eating. 

When the song ends, my senses return and turning I see the most beautiful girl leaning against a bookshelf, smirking lightly and with the same strange gaze I keep noticing since that time we practically hugged in the forest.

"Hi" I smile shyly at her knowing she saw my embarrassing dance. She comes near me and I take off my headphones.

"Come with me, we need to search in Rowan's room. Xavier is still with the others, maybe we'll find the book I keep seeing" She gives me her hand and I take it immediately. Her coldness warming my heart. 

I don't like going through someone's personal stuff, but with her I would do anything.

When we exit the library she comes nearer and puts her arm around my waist like is something normal to her. I think I could explode every time she does something like that. "What song were you dancing ?" she looks down at me and I think she looked at my lips for a second. I smile seeing her truly interested. 

We walk to our destination, our body still touching and sharing my headphones, listening to music in a comfortable silence.

When Xavier goes to his bathroom we came out from Rowan's bathroom.

"The purple book has got to be around here somewhere" she states and I nod, deciding to take a look at their bookshelf.

When I turn I see she's standing still at one desk. Approaching her I see she has one of Xavier's sketch notes. "What did you find ?" I ask, but before I can see the drawings she closes it and turns me the other way by my hips. I noticed she touches me often there. "Nothing"

She takes out her torch and I go to turn the light off. We look for some prints on Rowan's side of the room.

"Try under his bed" I suggest. 

We kneel down and bingo, we find something. The parquet is strange. While she raises it, I take out from there a strange mask. We look at each other confused.

"Rowan's full of surprises" she mumbles.

I hear Bianca coming here and I take Wednesday to hide under Xavier's bed. Just in time for Xavier to come out.

I look away from her intense stare when Xavier opens the door sighing. "You're not supposed to be up here" he scolds Bianca.

"Good to see you too" 

My hand brushes against Wednesday's and when I turn to look at her I caught her still staring at me. I blush and we continue listening to their conversation, waiting to go away.

"How'd you get past the Housemaster ? Use your siren powers ?"

"Not while wearing this" Bianca's voice seems sad and I feel bad for her "Would it kill you not think the worst of me for one ?"

"What do you want Bianca ?" he is clearly irritated.

"To see how you're doing. I'm sorry about Rowan. I know you guys used to be close"

"Since when did you give damn about Rowan ?"

"You were the one afraid he'd do something to Angel. Isn't that why you've been following her like an eager-eyes puppy ? Or is there something more ?" I feel the girl beside me tense and I see she clenches her fists. I cupped one with my hand and she surprises me by intertwining our fingers. She's so touchy lately.

Xavier sighs frustrated and walks around the room.

"Seriously, what do you see in her ?" Bianca shouts "You have a thing for tragic hybrid girls with killer instinct ?" 

"Maybe it's because she hasn't tried to manipulate me" he answers.

"I make one mistake and you can't forgive me. She treats you like a friend and you can't get enough" ok maybe Enid is right. Maybe he has a crush on me.

"Ok, why are you fixated on Angel ?"

"Because she thinks she's a good person, but she's not, she's dangerous. You know what happened to her. No one is safe around her" she shouts back.

I close my eyes a bit sad... She's right. There is a pause of silence and I feel a hand on my chin. I open my eyes and Wednesday's dark brown eyes lock with mine. She puts her hand on her ears and shakes her head. Like saying me to not listen to her. 

"I can't wait to crash Ophelia Hall tomorrow and watch her werewolf friend crumble. It's going to be a Poe Cup finale to remember" she smiles.

"I have to think what you've got planned"

"My game's already started. I like to win. It's that so wrong ?" she smirks.

Xavier just stares at her. "And you wonder why I broke up with you"

"You used to love my killer instinct. We used to be so good together" she takes his hand.

"Were we ? Or it was how you wanted me to feel ?" he answers with venom.

Bianca's smile falters. "Trust me, Angel is not the girl of your dreams. She's the stuff of your nightmares" and she goes away.

I sense Wednesday's eyes still on me, but my mind runs wild with paranoia and sadness now. 

My WednesdayOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant