Funeral and fries

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                                     Funeral and fries

King watched as his little hands trembled over his terrified face, a small form shaking and a beautiful face hidden behind his tiny hands. The older wanted nothing else but to protect the boy...

..but the said boy has a tongue and it is sharp as hell.

Mago's smaller shaky frame compared to King's big and bulky built made King think for a moment. A sudden wicked thought in his playful mind erupted before he smiled, he fucking smiled lowering his fist from hitting Mago.

Making a quick decision he calmed down, taking a deep breath through his nose. He wasn't going to hurt the boy, no never, he can't be this cruel..... instead, he wants to play with him.

Mago listened around quietly, waiting to get hit by the older but it never happened. Being skeptical of some kind of surprise, he allowed himself some moments before he peeled his hands slowly from his face and peeked at the king.

The man towering over him smirked with a devilish glint in his eyes. Raising his manly hands, King grabbed the collar of the younger's shirt and pulled him closer to his face, taking the breath straight out of his lungs.

He gasped!

With a height difference that adorable, Mago had to stand on his tiptoes while looking into the eye of the King. His dainty hands rested on the king's chest, erupting butterflies in his heart.

The younger had a scared look on his face, his eyes wide, his breath short and his figure cowered, giving the ultimate satisfaction to the king.

Oh, how he would love to see that insolent boy at his mercy, scared and trapped, just like now.

"let's do this your way pretty boy......" he whispered, breath fanning over his lips making Mago shiver at his dominating deep voice. He tried shaking his head, telling the king to just chill out, that he was just joking but he couldn't even move a muscle.

"you want me to be your boyfriend right? from now on I am your boyfriend" he announced smirking while staring sharply at the younger, making his gulp.

"I..i ..j.just want pretend" his shaky voice betraying him, Mago slipped and stuttered, trying to tell his concern about the deal.

"I don't do pretend baby boy.......this deal is a reality for me......and I will make it real for you," King said in a promising way, pushing Mago away who stumbled and heaved a long breath he was holding for so long.

"c.can we negotiate......" he asked timidly, not wanting to offend the dominant man staring at him.

"There is nothing to negotiate should have thought this through," he said satisfied by how Mago was mentally troubled.

"pretty least give me some time to think" the younger pleased, batting his lashes to convince the arrogant man. The insides of the king melted at the cute effort but still, he didn't budge.

"Time is money sweetheart......making me wait can cost you....... and you definitely cannot afford the price......" he said looking up and down Mago's frame. The smaller one felt a little degraded in a sense of status so he glared back with the same hatred he had previously.

"but since I am a generous man.... tell me how much time you want to think it over?" the king asked, staring at the cute boy who scrunched his nose in distaste and made a thinking face.

"umm....give me like three years and I will be right back here" he blurted out with a toothy smile vanishing all the traces of amusement from the king's face. His patience was getting thin, minute by minute. Several other more important matters were in line waiting for the king's attention but here he was dealing with an immature.

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