Classless Pig!

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Classless Pig!

He gawked at the two-story old building standing in front of him while he was hiding behind an old carcass of a vehicle. There were just so many people he didn’t expect to be present at the moment, a lot of them had guns and other threatening objects that could kill a person in an instant if used properly.

Who were those people?

And why were they loaded like for the protection of someone important.

Mickey sighed for the umpteenth time tired of hiding in a very uncomfortable spot for so long. He was waiting for Kangsu to finally leave his car which had arrived five minutes ago but the stubborn man was still discussing something on his bloody phone.

A man with grey hair and a mask covering his face appeared from the main door of the building and marched with heavy steps towards the car before opening its door rather roughly.

Mickey waited for something but it seemed both of those men were not ready to do anything other than glaring at each other like two different species of cats meeting for the first time.

Finally! Finally, when Kangsu came out of the car and stood beside the grey-haired man, Mickey clicked several photos from his camera hanging around his neck.

He watched them carefully and planned his moves accordingly.

Both old men walked towards the alleyway beside the building with their security and Mickey left his place from behind the rusty vehicle, tiptoeing to follow them.

He followed until they met another man and they all started talking while Mickey took refuge behind a trash bin nearby.

Squatting down, the boy clicked more pictures and took a few minutes of video before he rummaged through his bag pack and pulled out a small, rod-shaped, recorder and waited for the right moment to throw it near the small crowd.

But to Mickey’s demise, his balance wavered suddenly resulting in him hitting the trash can and making it crash with the hard ground.


All the heads whipped towards him and many of the guards pointed their guns at the commotion. Mickey felt his soul trembling as he bolted out of the alleyway at the speed of light with several terrifying men running behind him like mad dogs.

“hey Stop!!!!” they shouted at his back but if Mickey complied, he would be signing his own death certificate.

And no, that was not the plan.

“catch him!!” he had heard the order very clearly and that was the reason Mickey sped up in his steps.

The place was unfamiliar to him and he didn’t know where to hide or from where to take a short cut but soon when he reached at the end of god knows what lane, he was pulled by his waist with a hand clasping his mouth shut.

“Fucking hell” Mickey muttered under the hand over his mouth.


Mago sauntered from left to right in the dressing room while he checked himself out in the huge full-length mirror after every minute.

After spending some time in the basement and seeing what a real mafia business can be, Mago was intrigued to another level. He was so immersed in the underground world that he wanted to be a part of it so badly.

But the problem was that he didn’t look like a mafia man at all.

His tiny frame, cute features and sassy tongue didn’t match with any of the traits his dangerous boyfriend possessed.

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