Kiss my Ass

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Kiss my Ass

Squeal. That’s what the king wanted to do. Fingers jittering with excitement, he forced himself to seal his lips in a tight line not letting a smile escape. Oh, how lucky he felt upon opening his eyes and taking in the breathtaking scene waiting for him.

The rebel he was falling for was resting over his chest, with his paw placed over the king’s heart and legs tangled with the older in a way that he could feel the inner, naked, thigh of the younger brushing past his morning wood. 

He sighed placing his reluctant hand around the younger’s tiny waist to calm his raging heart and wild thoughts that were giving him chills down his spine. But to his bad luck, Mago swatted his hand away roughly before rolling over to his other side making King grumble in disappointment.

“Fucking shit”, King muttered tickling the younger as an act of revenge, making Mago whine, before getting up from the bed to take care of himself.

Lately, all his thoughts revolved around the younger.

What he is doing?

What should he be doing? Or worse,

What he is up to?

These thoughts were pleasing to his mind rather than the ones where he had to think about the assassins hired to kill him in his sleep.

Done being ready, King picked up his cell phone and gun ready to leave. However, he stopped, turned around and then walked until he was towering over the sleeping form of the younger. Mago slept like a baby with hands and legs curling around the pillow he should place his head onto.

“mmm……mommy no” Mago mumbled in his sleep making King chuckle at him

King stretched his hand out to squeeze the cheeks of Mago in one hand creating an irresistible pout and then leaned down to kiss him roughly making the younger moan in protest. When he was done kissing, King left the boy only to hear what he deserved.

“go away….you damp swamp” Mago whined nonsense with closed eyes as he pressed his face more into the softness of the pillow. King chuckled satisfied and left the room after checking Mago out once again.


The next time Mago woke up, it was almost ten. Stretching his limbs out deliciously, the boy started his day. Taking a bath, choosing clothes from his new collection and then eating something that could make his day better was included in his to-do list. Oh yes, messing with Charlton shouldn’t be ignored.

Mago marched down the stairs only to be met with quietness. Since he woke up late than usual, maybe everyone was already gone where they had to be. With the thought, he hopped towards the kitchen. Once there he found Jayce fussing around in the kitchen with the staff standing near him in a line.

“I am hungry” Mago announced not bothering if they were even ready to serve him or not or if they are busy with their own work. Jayce turned towards the boy with a surprised look and then snickered at Mago’s clothing style.

Mago looked down to see what is there to laugh and found nothing. He was okay with wearing an oversized baby blue hoody, a red pyjama shorts and his favourite duck slippers but it seemed like that he was dressed to make a joke out of himself.

“What?” he asked annoyed. The staff members scurried away not wanting to hear any swears early in the morning and Jayce braced himself with the new task at hand. The older shook his head and smiled at the younger gesturing him to sit at the small dining table in the kitchen.

Mago waited at the table with his fingers playing with the salt and pepper shaker. He would pile a small amount of mountain over the glass table and then form a circle in them with the tip of his fingers.

King Mafia and MagoWhere stories live. Discover now