Bitch Ass Peanut

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Bitch Ass Peanut

“Mmm stop” Mago whined annoyed when the king continued sucking on his lips. The younger was sitting against the older’s chest, in between his legs and on the bed with a cup of ice cream in his hand. The dessert was nowhere enjoyable since the older was kissing him after every bite he took.

“you stole my treat. Now shut up with your whining and let me enjoy my share” King grumbled turning the other’s face towards him and capturing his lips in a searing kiss.

It was Mago’s fault really. When King offered him some ice cream, the boy refused saying ‘I am so fucking full, can’t even breath’ as he rubbed his cute belly with his small hands. But when the older was having his dessert, Mago kept asking for a bite after every two seconds until he conquered the full cup from the king.

“but you aren’t letting me eat” he whined again turning his face away and breathing heavily. King didn’t listen though, he wanted his share.

“that’s your fucking problem and not mine” the crime lord grumbled before pulling the boy again to suck on his lips eagerly, already enjoying the sweetness of Mago and ice cream blended well together.

“Mmmm…..e-enough please” he said between the kisses but King didn’t listen instead he tugged at his lower lip.

“no,” King said playfully ready to attack again but Mago had enough. He placed his tiny hand on the others’ chest and started to play with his collar button. He looked so tiny and beautiful that King had a hard time repressing himself from pouncing on his baby boy.

“Can you choose another spot and let me eat in peace” Mago muttered with an adorable pout resting on his lips. An evil shine appeared in the older’s eyes and then he smirked.

“gladly” he said watching Mago smile at him thankfully and turning around to watch his cat videos while enjoying his ice cream.

King took that opportunity to his benefit and circled his strong arms around the younger’s waist before nuzzling his neck. He left feather-like kisses from his nape to the side of his neck before taking the outer shell of Mago’s ear in his mouth.

“tickles” Mago complained with a giggle with a tilt of his head but didn’t bother to stop King. The older was having the time of his life. Kissing the column of his neck, the king traced his lips to the juncture of Mago’s neck and shoulder and then gently bit him to leave a mark.

The younger’s breath hitched when he felt King using his teeth on his tender skin.

“hey!! No biting” the younger complained again and soon felt the other lapping at the bitten spot to soothe the pain. The boy continued his video leaving the matter just like that.

King didn’t stop there though, without Mago noticing he stretched the collar of the younger’s shirt to get more skin until his whole shoulder was out. He slipped his hands under the younger’s shirt to graze his waist as he marvelled at the baby-like skin of his shoulder, so pretty and soft, turning pink due to the ministrations he has done before.

The boy was irresistible with the dark love marks littering his skin. King had the stifle his desire to eat the boy in a single scoop.

A taste wouldn’t hurt, right?

He glanced at the younger, who was so immersed in an upside-down cat, and then slowly opened his mouth to bite at the flesh again but……

“done!” Mago announced loudly, placing the empty cup aside before turning around to look at the king and his open mouth, taking the other off guard.

Mago raised his perfect brow as he studied the situation. His naked shoulder, arms around his stomach and open-mouthed king, who looked more like a deer caught in a headlight.

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