Officially Fucked

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                                            Officially Fucked

The journey was short-lived, compared to the last time, it took a while for them to reach an unfamiliar location. Unfamiliar for Mago, as he was expecting to be taken to the manor instead he was taken to some underground parking.

Looking around curiously, he noticed several men standing or patrolling the area. They were armed with weapons and were built like a tank.

The cars stopped near a very prestigious-looking entrance of the building. The doors were large in size and were guarded by two guards.

Mago was tense and it was evident in his features. Charlton was enjoying it too much, seeing the younger tongue-tied at the creepy location when he knew Mago wasn't the one to keep quiet about anything in his sight.

The younger was feeling alone and a place like this crept a very unusual fear inside his body. there were many strangers and he knew no one other than King and Charlton.

Speaking of Charlton, Mago composed himself as soon as he peeked at the older from the corner of his eyes, watching him holding his snicker in, mocking him. Although he was scared to death but, he never in his right mind, he will give an opportunity to anyone who can use his weakness against him.

Exiting the cars, Charlton escorted Mago towards the double doors of a building, Pushing the door open they walked inside. Mago was slow as he was busy looking around but then his arm was grabbed and he had to follow the pace others were moving at.

Once inside the elevator, Mago breathed out still looking around. At the corner of the roof of the elevator, he found a camera and on instinct made a funny face. Charlton cleared his throat, taken aback, warning the younger as well as saving himself from laughing.

"where are we going?" he asked timidly, scared and nervous as the elevator was still climbing after the thirty-sixth floor.

How tall is this building?

"the king asked to bring you to his headquarters instead of the manor" Charlton answered straight and serious. Mago tensed more, his body was tired and aching but a shiver ran down his spine guessing what kind of headquarters a mafia king works in.

As soon as the elevator stopped Mago's heart stopped with it. The doors opened and they stepped out. The hallway was illuminated with some creepy red and blue lights like in a club. Guards were standing in small groups talking and laughing at something they found funny.

When Mago didn't move on his own, Charlton dragged him gently along with him towards the only door present on the forty-fourth floor. People standing in their way stared at him interested, they eyed him and his attire.

Mago was getting nervous dealing with all those stares, his breathing was shallow as if he was scared to even hear his own breathing.

The door was heavy, and there too were guards guarding the door. They bowed acknowledging Charlton before one of them opened the door. As they entered, a strong smell of alcohol and cigarettes hit Mago's brain and he gagged on reflex.

Eyes teary and mouth clasped with his hands, Mago looked around the room.

Inside the room was a giant seating area, probably used for meetings and stuff. Sure enough, there were people here and there sitting in small and large groups, talking and drinking.

Unknowingly he looked for a certain someone, the man who is the reason Mago was here in this uncomfortable environment. His eyes stopped travelling when his purpose met the end.

King was sitting there in a circle of different expensive-looking people, engrossed in some chat. They all were hunched over the table looking at something whereas the king was the only one leaning back with his hair tied tightly and a serious look plastered on his face.

Mago gulped hard.

King looked pissed.

The severity of the situation he has fallen into finally dawned upon him. he was standing in the middle of the room where every single person competes in the field of killing and other wicked activities.

The biggest slayer among these dangerous people was his apparent boyfriend and Mago was ready to trade his state with anyone on the planet. They marched towards the king in long strides, Mago purposely walking slowly. His actions were observed by Charlton who smirked satisfied.

Reaching near King, nobody said a word and patiently waited for the king to acknowledge them. After a while when nothing happened, Mago felt tired standing there like a prisoner.

He sighed loudly making every head on the table turn towards him. all the attention pouring over him made him smile nervously at them....he felt a little embarrassed.

King looked up as well and the first expression he had was of astonishment. Not expecting the younger to be in his sleep attire. His eyes trailed over Smaller's frame from bottom to top, stopping on his duck slipper for a solid minute.

Mago watched King staring, checking him out like that. The younger slipped behind Charlton in the most cartoonish way not wanting to face the humiliation he was sure coming his way.

King gestured to Charlton which Mago didn't see and in a second he was pushed forward toward the king. His small and cute frame made every other person at the table intrigued, they stopped doing whatever they were busy with and watched him with great interest.

Insecurity, fear, nervousness, and many other emotions ran through his body while he slowly made his way to the king.

Upon reaching, King stared at him for a minute long, taking in his bruised cheeks printed with a hand print, his busted lips having dried specs of blood on them and his tiny red nose, eyes tired and swollen from the crying earlier.

It happened again, those butterflies erupting in his belly flying without his permission, his heart doing those flips and jumps because of something he can't point out. Staring into Mago's eyes he felt protectiveness washing over him, killing that person who hit this adorable baby in his mind a thousand times but in reality he was composed, standing tall and serious.

Mago looked so small and innocent when he stared at the older. His neck was tilted upwards because of the height difference while his tiny aching frame was stiffed with tension.

"why am I here?" he whispered slowly not wanting the others to listen to what they were talking about. King snapped out of his murderous thoughts and looked at the boy, a grin forming on his lips.

Mago hated that look, he has seen it on Jana's face too.

"you wanted me, the King to be your boyfriend right?" King asked copying the way Mago asked his question, amusement and mischief evident in his eyes.

Mago didn't reply instantly though, he stared and stared trying to find what can be in King's head right now.

But he gasped, successful in not letting out the shriek on the verge of his mouth when King circled his veiny arm around his dainty waist and pulled him closer until he crashed into his chest.

"Right?" he asked again but with a glare directed towards the younger who reached near his neck. Breathing shallow and eyes wavering, not able to focus.

"y..yes" Mago answered with a stutter, he was nervous with all the attention they were gathering. The un-ignorable hand over his waist was firm yet soft, making him feel protected and threatened at the same time.

"well......then don't question anything, pretty baby, this all comes with the territory" He smirked at the younger when Mago raised his head locking his big doe eyes with the older.

Why does Mago felt like he was officially fucked?

authors note

hope you enjoyed

double update, since I'm gonna go sick....for future days


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