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The meeting room was stunned into silence, to say the least, everyone present at the venue refrained from uttering a word which can be held against them in the eyes of the powerful boss. They exchanged glances, which was the only way they could exchange their thoughts.

The word of Danny's death was out, it circulated in the mafia and spread like wildfire. A loyal man to Boss, mostly present in doing the dirty business, was killed brutally with three holes right in the middle of that overachiever's brain. Not only that but the place where he was killed was the king's manor and the murderer was none other than Boss himself.

How did he even manage?

Danny didn't die at the king's hands, not even after managing to attack him in his very own bedroom, but he was dead because Boss had decided it.

The shocking fact, that Boss was the one penetrating three bullets into his forehead, was enough to make everyone on the rebel side of the mafia think over their life choices, a choice of going against the most fearful crime lord and making a team with an unpredictable Boss.

Perfectly fucked on both sides.

Kangsu and Mr Chris were also present at the scene, both waiting for Boss to arrive and for the meeting to start finally. They sat around the big rectangular table in the meeting room, with bottles of wine and fancy glasses, as they scowled at the other without words.

The awaited man was, by the way, twenty-five minutes late and it provided both Kangsu and Chris a perfect opportunity to glare dagger at each other.

Both thirsty for the other's blood if given a chance.

Soon enough there was a commotion outside, rustling sounds of men in the hallways outside and then multiple tapping of quick boots against the floor before the reason for all that suspense entered the room with his authoritative steps and a frown settled, perhaps, permanently on his face.

"Hello gentlemen......." Boss started facing his audience, taking both of the other's attention as they sat straight. And although he would never classify Kangsu and Chris under the mentioned label of 'Gentlemen' but still..........Well......whatever.

The meeting started.


Meanwhile, at the port, which was basically a shining building in the night, Mickey parked the bike at the front gate of his destination. He climbed down the vehicle, turned it off, and fished out his cell phone before texting a certain someone.

Mickey then sighed in anticipation.

After a wait of uncertain two minutes, the gate opened and a surprised Jana exited the premises. He jogged towards the younger with a wide grin on his face, long locks flying in the air and a big build covered in a thin jumpsuit, as he reached closer to the boy.

"Mickey! What are you doing here?" the older asked, breathing fast, in a happy yet confused voice.

"I borrowed your bike for the day, it is only fair if I come to pick you up" the boy replied with a shrug as if it wasn't a big deal and he wasn't internally cursing himself for acting such an act. Mickey considered it his fault for feeling obliged and coming to pick the older.

Jana's smile only widened.

"I would have managed my way home baby.....besides, it's a long distance and I hope you aren't coming from the apartment?" Jana mused as he tried to make eye contact with Mickey but the younger didn't let him, averting his eyes somewhere else.

Unknowingly, Jana had called Mickey's apartment 'home'. He didn't notice but Mickey did.

"I am not....and don't call me that" the boy answered briefly, still avoiding Jana's eyes.

King Mafia and MagoOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant