Orange kick

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Orange kick

Jayce and Garry sat at the dining table, talking about different things. In their own world, both didn’t notice when Mr Xavier entered the room and took a seat beside Jayce. The latter chirped happily, kissing Mr Xavier before he stood up like a good wife and started to serve him his food.

“you should tell Rowan about your new proposal Garry, he is the only one who can understand you” Jayce encouraged as he plated the hot pancakes for Mr Xavier. The old man didn’t even glance at Garry, only focusing on his routine.

“oh yes, I know that brother. Only my brother-in-law can help me” Mr Xavier rolled his eyes mentally, again not even sparing the ranting duck a look.

The new proposal was not even surprising anymore. Mr Xavier has provided Garry with a loan multiple times before only for him to ruin his money and come back for more. Why didn’t he say anything? Because it wasn’t Jayce’s fault. He wanted better for his brother and Mr Xavier wanted his husband to smile.

Garry started spurting out his ridiculous plan in front of Mr Xavier who tolerated him for the sake of the fondness Jayce had in his eyes for his dumb brother.

King was descending the stairs with Charlton, discussing the meeting they were headed to. the obnoxious laughter of his so-called uncle fell over his ears and the previous night flashed right across his brain.

Gritting his teeth, King marched forward with heavy steps making Charlton to looked at him with concerned eyes. Following behind his boss, Charlton braced himself for the very angry king he has been missing so damn much.

Jayce and Garry were laughing at something very not funny when King paced closer and towered over his uncle sitting there with a bruised pancake on his plate. For a brief second his eyes met with Jayce and then in the next second he kicked the chair, Garry was sitting at, with such brutal force that the man went tumbling down on the tiled floor.

The impact of the hard floor resulted in busted lips and a bloody mouth while the chair injured its front leg.

“Garry!!” Jayce, who opened his mouth to say good morning, shrieked loudly and rushed to his brother. Mr Xavier snapped his neck to his son who was breathing heavily as he glared at the man with bloody mouthy mouth on the floor.

“why did you do that?” Jayce asked with a painful expression as he held onto his brother’s shoulder. Ignoring Jayce, King went towards Garry and punched him right across his face earning a loud gasp from Jayce.

Garry spurted more blood and laughed mockingly at King

“How fucking dare you!” King roared loudly at which Jayce flinched miserably. The staff has gathered around them and Jayce couldn’t help but take it as an insult. He looked at Mr Xavier who had knitted brows but was still seated on his chair.

Calm and collected

“I don’t know what are you talking about” Garry mocked again just to rile up his nephew. King glared daggers at him before delivering a brand new punch on his aching jaw.

“Please stop. what did he even do?” Jayce cried coming in between his brother and king. the fire in the king’s eyes was enough for Jayce to hold his breath but he didn’t budge from his place.

It’s a matter of his brother’s life

“What did he do?” a whispered question came out of distressed Jayce.

“he tried to touch my boyfriend. He touched him wrong” The words from the king seem to have a very confusing effect on Jayce, he looked behind him at his brother and then at the king.

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