Baby Ass Donut

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                                 Baby Ass Donut

Mago hasn't slept a wink for the whole night. Although the floor cushion was in his possession still it wasn't comfortable enough for him to rest, besides the place was so strange for him and Mago was one of those people who cannot sleep until they are in their comfort zone.

Finally, when the exhaustion took control over him and his eyes began to close on their own it was already morning and the sun was shining right above them. He still wanted to get some minutes of sleep but that plan was flipped when the announcement of King's men was made.

Charlton stood above him, towering over him and compelling him to wake up and get going. Mago felt like the older was doing that on purpose but his tiredness never let him snap at the other in response.

Sluggishly he got up and without caring about anything he started to walk out of the small room. King was right outside the hut standing with his men, talking. Mago noticed with half-open eyes how King was well dressed in his usual clothes as well as Charlton but not him.

Why not him?

Narrowing his eyes, he walked past the king passing him an unreadable look. The older was way too smart to understand that glare after all he was the one who purposefully never asked for a change of clothes for the younger.

Everyone knows the reason for that except for a certain dense baby boy

After sitting inside the car, Mago watched them with his droopy eyes ready to close any second. He watched King offering money to the old lady and her daughter as a thank you before he marched to the car as well. The others started piling in after him.

They were going back home.

All the way back Mago was sleeping head resting on the king's lap while Carlton and the king were busy discussing some things. King was informed about his father trying to reach out to him through a call. He was also reported about many mischievous activities that took place in his absence of just one day.

Devising certain plans and meetings in the following days, King and Charlton along with their security head discussed many things until they reached home.

Shaking the younger awake, King held out his hand and pulled the boy out of the car. they marched inside the manor already receiving welcomes followed by some worried and some relieved glances.

"Welcome back king.....welcome back little master," the butler said earning a nod from the king and a toothy grin from a sleepy head.

"prepare a meeting with father.....I will freshen up till then" the king ordered his secretary, whom he has called from his office for a list of things, before he climbed upstairs with the swaying boy beside him.

As soon as they entered the room, Mago sighed. he stretched deliciously, looking at the inviting bed and yawned cutely unaware of the stern gaze settled over his form.

"it so good to be back...........I am going to sleep now....goodnight" Mago slurred taking small steps to the bed but before reaching he was pulled back and slammed into the wall a little roughly making his eyes go wide, sleep slipping right away.

"Where do you think you are going?" King asked while his both hands rested against the wall, effectively caging the younger inside them.

Mago gulped

The look King had was surely not being messed with. He was looking every bit lethal and dangerous. One wrong move and the boy was gone forever.

It was always wise of Mago to remember that the man he calls his boyfriend was the most feared crime lord. The man who, was known to be so dangerous that his sight was enough to make one's legs tremble in fear and he has seen it with his own eyes.

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