Your Majesty

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Your Majesty

Mago stood there waiting for Mickey to finally pull the sweater off but that didn’t come making the younger to groan in annoyance and scratch at his itchy skin once again. He was busy when all of a sudden the light went out leaving him in the dark room with only moonlight shining through the windows.

Two arms wrapped around his fluffy waist making him wince at the touch. The boy tried to turn around at the sudden touch but couldn’t see who it was.

“it hot Mickey,” the boy said thinking it was his friend who was behind him giving him a back hug as he struggled to get free, but to his demise, he was groped more tightly. His body was turning red due to the temperature rise, the clothes were suffocating and that jerk behind him was adding more to his misery.

“We should get rid of your clothes then” he heard and although Mago was drunk, that voice seemed a little off to him. he tried to jerk away only to be held more tightly.

By now it was confirmed that whoever it was, it was not his friend. Mago has suffered such kinds of scenarios in his life before. He was sure that the person behind him had bad intentions. Keeping that in mind, the boy struggled more aggressively.

“w..who the fuck are you!?” the boy shouted awarded with a devilish cackle in return.

“let’s not ruin the suspense now shall we,” the man said as his hand groped the thick ass of the boy. Mago smashed his heavy boots on the man’s feet successfully detaching him from his own body as he screamed loudly.

“no, you fucker, get away from me” Mago reprimanded angrily while he tried to balance himself on the ground. It was really hard for him to stand with his condition.

“oh you are a feisty bitch aren’t you,” the man said wiping at his salivating mouth.

“I guess I have to treat you as one” the older completed and pushed swaying Mago on the bed on his back. before the boy could struggle, the man hovered over Mago and held onto his waist in a tight grip. The younger squirmed to be left alone but his efforts went in vain.

Leaning down, the man stuffed his face in the younger’s baby neck inhaling the intoxicating scent and moaned disgustingly right over his ear. Mago was drugged but he was conscious enough to know that something was severely wrong with the man above him.

The man has started to kiss his neck sloppily, nuzzling his nose in the column of his neck and biting it softly in the hope to get a moan out of the boy. But oh boy was he wrong.

You see, the main thing about all this was that the drugged boy was not any regular boy. He was Edward Mago who wouldn’t hesitate to show you your place if need be.

And that’s what he did.

Mago sighed heavily, focused on opening his eyes and then stretching his hand out to the nearby sitting lamp. As soon as he grasped the object, the next thing he did was smashed the lamp right over the man’s head making him scream in pain and scrambling away.

The man was lucky the glass didn’t shatter over his head otherwise he was done for.

Once the weight was lifted, Mago rushed to his feet and out of the room at the speed of light. He rushed out only to meet with the hard chest of his boyfriend.

Before King could ask anything, Mago slipped his hands under his sweater and ripped it apart from the centre earning a shocked look from the three of them standing there.

King, Charlton and Mickey

“this f..fucker was b..biting me all night l..long” Mago stuttered furiously as he threw the garment right across the corridor.

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