Shoo Fucking Shoo

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Shoo Fucking Shoo

“what are you doing here?” Mickey spurted out as soon as he opened the door of his old apartment. A single popcorn slipped from his hand where the others were bunched in his fist as he scanned the man in front of him with a serious scrutinizing gaze.

Jana smiled at the lovely-looking boy. He, in return, scanned Mickey from top to bottom, taking in his floral, baggy attire and his ruffled hair while the younger munched on his salty treat.

“I just thought to check if you are still interested in those ‘dangerous people’ meet” Jana said like it wasn’t a big deal but the words came out as an opportunity towards Mickey from which his eyes twinkled in excitement.

But he could already see a ‘but’ coming.

“so you will just take me there……no questions?” Mickey asked narrowing his eyes as he watched Jana rubbing his hands together in silent excitement.

“I will take you there……no questions…….but…” Jana left the sentence in the middle on purpose and a huge question mark appeared on Mickey’s face.

“What?” he asked already sensing something awful coming.

“what’s in it for me?” the older said with a raised brow. Mickey glared at Jana with somewhat annoyance before adding two more popcorn to his mouth.

“of course, you creep……..what do you want?.....a kiss, make out, lap dance, what?” Mickey asked boringly trying not to show his nervousness around the older who might ask for his kidneys or something.

“I don’t want none of those baby.” Jana slurred and Mickey scrunched his nose in distaste.

“then what?” he asked with a glare.

“go out on a date with me” Mickey widened his eyes dramatically at the ridiculous demand and threw whatever popcorn left in his fist at Jana. The older stood unaffected against the soft and salty attack while Micky seethed with anger.

“what the fuck!” he yelled whispered and Jana smiled a little smirky in return.

“yeah,… that's my deal. You wanna go in the meet and greet, you gotta fulfil the demand.” Jana sang as he turned around to leave.

“If you are still interested?” he turned around again and looked at the angry Mickey thoroughly.

“Meet me at the back of the Cheapers-Creepers club at nine, I will wait for only two minutes…..” the older of them both said and then walked away leaving a fuming Mickey at his door.

“see you around sweets!!!!” Mickey heard before he slammed the door shut.


 King entered the living room and the first sight was enough to make his blood boil. The crime lord was already in a bad mood, he was frustrated, tired and extremely busy nowadays and those facts did nothing but fuelled his anger more and more.

And now that he sees his boyfriend giggling with none other than Jayce, his temper is like shooting stars.

Up above the world so high~~

Mago was playing chess with Jayce on the carpeted floor of the living room. Both were seated opposite to each other as they played their attacks with giggles and laughs mixing well with words.

Jayce had a slim glass of sparking alcohol in his hand from which he sipped from time to time while the younger had a sour lollipop in his tiny fist, licking every two seconds.

“checkmate!!!!” Mago yelled after the seventh win and Jayce laughed charmingly at his defeat. The younger fell back on the carpet with lots of satanic giggles that he failed to notice a flare-nosed king glaring at the duo.

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