Mushed banana

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Mushed banana

With a soft thud, King placed a glass of cold whiskey on the table before taking his seat in front of his father, the former crime lord. The old man was talking about something as he shuffled between many papers and sheets of records.

It was a rainy night outside; the water droplets were falling profusely over the structure of the manor as they drummed against the full-sized glass windows of the office room.

Along with two gentlemen, a right-hand man, dim lights and drinks, the cosy atmosphere also held the presence of a small king with his ass perched on the cushiony seat behind the mahogany desk of the crime lord.

The said small king rolled his eyes sassily when he heard a combo of chuckles from that father and son duo.

What’s so fuckin funny?

The baby boy pressed his pen harder on the fragile surface of the white sheet as he drew different lines on the papers in front of him.

There were maps and routes, some notes and charts with bullet points on them. Mago was busy connecting lines mindlessly while he reminisced about the talk had with his best friend over a box of pizza and soda bottles.

“And did you say it back?” Mickey asked in a certain excitement when he heard about the love confession from king. He was happy for his friend.

Mago snorted in return, picking at the string of cheese with his straw.

“Why would I?” he asked and Mickey found his tone a little bitter.

“and why not?” the older asked curiously, although he knew how insecure Mago was feeling, he decided to pester him.

‘I love you’ weren’t strange magical words for Mago in the slightest. He has been burnt with this word for all his life and who could have known it better than his soulmate?

“because that’s what they always say since I am pretty and fuckable. Besides I don’t really know if I love him or not” Mago explained pouring a shit tone of ketchup on the piece of pizza he was munching on.

The older grimaced at his messy child and snatched the bottle away.

“you don’t do that baby” Mickey almost scolded making Mago look at him confusedly.

Mickey didn’t like what Mago said and how he said it, degrading himself.

“but I like it saucy” Mago muttered earning a sigh from his friend.

“I am talking about King and you silly. You don’t do that to yourself. Life is unfair I know and you have been nothing but hurt in every step of this miserable existence…..” Mago looked down smiling a little. Mickey knew his baby like the back of his hand.

“…..but when someone like King says that he loves you, you gotta take that shit seriously. He is a busy man, running several businesses and mafia stuff is not a joke. He doesn’t have time to play bluff games with a ten-year younger baby boy like you.” Mickey argued and Mago groaned in response knowing very well how true his soulmate was.

He has seen the sincerity in the eyes of that man.

“but I don’t know if I love him?” Mago whined again.

“oh that you do baby” Mickey said casually filling his mouth with a big chunk of pizza.

“how do you know?” Mago narrowed his eyes at Mickey.

“well……for one, you talk ninety per cent about him whenever we talk with a certain excitement in your voice.” Mickey started and Mago broke a smile on his face.

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