Potato Baby

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Potato Baby

"HA!!! take that" Jana yelled his victory while he slid his small warrior on the territory he had acquired on the board. Wiggling his brows, he passed his smugness towards his little brother who in return scowled at him in irritation.

"I am you baby brother Jana or did you fucking forget? Have mercy on me" Mago countered with his own move while complaining to the older brother he was trying to beat in a board game.

The living room was chaotic with their giggles and laughs alongside cussing and throwing profanities at each other while they both played some board game (a war type) situated on the coffee table in front of them.

Hovering the table, they sat side by side while they played with super-focused minds. Jana tagged along with his to-be boyfriend when Mickey got a call for his new work that related to some supervision at the warehouse. He didn't wanna be home alone when his potential cuddle buddy was at King's mansion besides, he was hoping to see his brother.

Mickey was escorted towards the office right after he stepped inside the manor while Jana was left alone in the living room. He was sitting there cluelessly surfing on his phone when he was found by a wandering, carelessly dressed baby boy.

Mago, on the other hand, was strictly forbidden from any basement that had hostages in it and was commanded (requested) to stay away from bloody matters until the baby was born and just keep to the official work.

Mago didn't take it lightly though which earned King a pout and a complaining glare. He needed his friend to rant his disappointment in the matter.

So, seeing Jana sitting there on the sofa, Mago squealed in joy making the older to look up at the source. He watched as Mago rushed to get closer as the boy looked for his soulmate. After a quick twirly hug in his brother's arms, Mago asked for Mickey. Jana answered his queries with a laugh which led the duo to a gossiping mess and soon after that, a board game was slammed on the coffee table.

"you killed my fucking soldier twice you twisted shit, what is wrong with you?" Mago squawked when his tiny plastic character was hurled to the side by Jana's head soldier.

"Learn to loose, looser" Jana commented with a victorious smile. But to his dismay, Mago was fast to dart an attack towards his brother, a physical attack.

"Ow! You fucking elbowed me in my ribs, you fucker" the older yelped rubbing at his torso.

"Good, I hope I fucking broke one" Mago retorted playfully while placing his character on the higher rank.

"Bitch" Jana mumbled under his breath. His turn came and he played cautiously, which was killing another of Mago's characters.

This time it was an unfair move.

"you did it again you sick bastard.....that's fucking cheating" Mago exclaimed delivering another punch to the older.

"shit....stop. you are gonna put a hole in my fucking torso by stabbing your fucking elbow" Jana protested, Mago only rolled his eyes.

"then stop being a dick for more than I can tolerate...........and don't you fucking cheat again" the younger retorted, trying to fix his losing position.

"geez fucking fine" Jana said and with that, the room went silent for a few minutes. It was until the game was over and Mago had finally lost. The boy grumbled with a 'whatever' while he picked up his plate of snacks and Jana enjoyed every fucking minute of it.

"you know; I have always thought that Patty would be the biggest foul bitch if ever she got pregnant. But not anymore" Jana shared picking a glass of juice for himself.

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