Shut up Baby

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Shut up Baby

The next morning came with Mago sleeping peacefully while wrapping his arms and legs around his new boyfriend, head tucked under the king’s chin. King, on the other hand, was wide awake, he was deep in thought while caressing the soft skin of the naked thigh of his cute boyfriend draped across his torso.

The younger was peaceful, small puffs of breaths were coming out of his nose while his mouth rested in an adorable pout.

‘What else could anyone want?’ King thought with a smile.

The cute little moment of one love bird awake and the other sleeping was interrupted when an annoying cell phone started to ring loudly on the nightstand.

Mago mumbled something like ‘shut up’ while King reached for the device only to find his father calling him early in the morning.

With furrowed brows, King attended the call and almost instantly his face went all serious and dangerous. king jumped out of bed, after talking to his father, and dialled a new number while picking an outfit from his closet, somewhat mad.

As expected, Charlton was at his door in the next ten minutes.

“Ready king” Charlton informed.

King nodded, still quiet, and picked the half-asleep baby in his arms and left the room with his right-hand man.

Once they reached the helipad, Lucca was present there with the same expression as the king.

The news of the ‘rebel group’ attack on their port was spreading like fire. Almost ninety per cent of their finished goods were destroyed and the other ten per cent in process were also damaged. Thirty men were killed and one of the warehouses was set on fire.

All of this was done in the span of one night and the king was beyond mad at this point.

The situation was getting out of hand. The ‘rebel group’ thought they could cross paths with the king, challenge him by destroying his property and then fly away with butterfly wings.

Not on the king’s watch.

This has to end not only because they messed with the mafia boss but to present the show of power of the empire that belongs to the king and king alone.

“Report me the updates of the new order as soon as you can and be careful with delivery and stuff…….I won’t tolerate any mistake from your capable mind” King ordered with murder in his eyes and Lucca bowed in return not finding his voice.

He could only imagine what might be his fate if ever he made a mistake such as that.


Mago was sent to the manor with another trusted man while the king and Charlton went to the location straight away.

‘The damage is already done my son……we don’t waste time on dwelling it. instead, you find the bastard and I manage the rest’ The words echoed in his mind as he drove his car at full speed.

King admires Mr. Xavier’s calm demeanour. He never fights because he is angry. The former crime lord observes, plans and then acts accordingly.

And that might be the most dangerous thing if you ask the ones who have suffered the wrath of Mr Xavier.

For example: Kangsu

The cars stopped right outside of the burning building of the warehouse. King stepped out and without glancing at the structure, he marched towards the people waiting for his arrival.

A middle-aged man stepped forward and started to report whatever was the current status. 

“Let’s go” King roared after hearing him and the man paled at his spot after seeing the look in King’s eyes. The look he has seen in the eyes of Mr Xavier.

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