Mickey Mouse Cookies

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Fat tears rolled down his pink blotchy cheeks, wetting them and leaving a trail in their wake on that squishy surface, while the boy stared at his amused boyfriend with a complaining pout and similar complaining, dewy eyes.

Mago sat on the bathroom floor, on his knees, clutching around the toilet bowl as he breathed hard while crying his eyes out. The morning had come crashing with another wave of nausea causing the boy to jump on his feet and dash into the bathroom before an accident happened that he dreaded the most.

But to his bad luck, luck wasn't on his side.

The crime lord stood at the threshold of the bathroom. Staring at his small lover, he dared not to spill any smile from his sealed-pressed lips that could hurt Mago's feelings but to be honest, King was so close to bark a laugh.

He watched Mago looking down on his ruined clothes, a shirt a hundred times bigger on him, and then lifting his tear-stricken face to meet eyes with King.

A sob left his thick pouted lips.

"Baby..." King hurried over to the boy before Mago could cry another river. The younger didn't question when King engulfed his small self in his strong arms and cradled the boy against his warm bare chest, instead, he went willingly and sniffled as he cried softly.

"it-it happened ag-again.....I....." Mago complained and King shushed him silently while rubbing his back up and down soothingly.

"It's alright baby......it happens. There is nothing to worry for......it's just an accident" the older tried to coax Mago, planting small kisses of assurance over that fluffy bird's nest of a head.

"b-but it happened again and it stinks and it is—it is dirty" Mago sniffled like a child and lifted his head to look at King, emphasizing his point by pointing at his ruined shirt.

"look at it" he pointed aggressively at his shirt with his tiny chubby finger making King lose all his composed demeanour and spill out a chuckle, he laughed heartily, feeling a rush of adoration for the boy but that only intensified Mago's spoiled mood. He pushed at King's chest weakly trying to get away from that 'laughing on his misery man' but he was restrained just where he belonged.

Against the king's chest.

"I am sorry sweetheart, I am sorry......it's just.....I....." King tried to explain his stance over his laughing fit but Mago only glared with tears in return.

"I am sorry baby, please don't cry. Maybe it's a part of the pregnancy. It will go away soon" King comforted Mago by planting kiss after kiss as he tried his best not to laugh again.

"but it's not......this shit is becoming a fucking routine" the boy groaned against King, nuzzling closer, before going lax in his hold, on the bathroom floor.

"I will talk to the doctor to get more information about this morning sickness but till then, be my brave baby and just hang in there" King cooed at Mago while the boy only rubbed his itchy button nose against King's chest.

"this shit isn't easy" Mago whined, feeling disgusted with his condition and annoyed with his sore body.

"I know baby.... But it will go away soon." King rubbed at his back comfortingly as he manoeuvred the boy to make him sit on his lap.

"you promise?" Mago mumbled, trying to climb onto King's lap, hugging his boyfriend while stuffing his face under the king's neck. The older simply secured Mago's bubble bottom under his large hands.

"I promise" the older replied. With that King cradled the boy closer to himself and then quickly picked Mago off the ground and went towards the giant sink to settle his baby there.

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